If she woke..

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"Things were all good yesterday, then the devil took your breath away. And if you fell to dead today, I hope that heaven is resting place. I heard that doctors put your chest in pain, but it couldn't been the medicine."

Maks started to tier up just by the sight of Meryl. She was lying there, hooked up to machines, helplessly fighting for her life.

"Take as much time as you need." The doctor replied heavily. Maks nodded his head before sitting besides Meryl.

He took her hand and gently stroked it. "Hi MerBear.. Its me Maks.." His voices cracked. He never had to do anything like this before and it was harder then expect.

" I'm going stay right here until you wake me up... All you have to do is wake up.." He kissed her hand.

" I know when you wake up, it's not going be like what you probably ever wanted. I know you think I'm upset.. But I promise you I'm not.. I still you love you the same as I did yesterday and the same I will tomorrow. But you got wake up.." Maks started to break down.

"Mer.. I need you. I want you. There is nobody else ever like you. I love you.. But you have to wake me up.. Please babe please.. I know it's hard but you can't go.. Not yet. Please just stay with me.. please??" At this point Maks was crying and he wasn't ashamed to admit it.

"I know this must be the most selfish thing in the world, but you can't lose you. You my everything, you all I need. Everything. I can't live without you, I know we have only got that last ten weeks with each other, but I want to spend my life time with you. Meryl if you wake up I promise never to take a another moment for granted."

"But please.. please just wake me up... Please" Maks faintly cried.



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