The PepTalk

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Val sighed. He sat down next to his brother. "Everything alright?" He said, calming down a bit.

Maks opened his mouth to talk, but instead burst into tears, "Uterus, she... She... Can't have children!" He muttered over the tears.

Val looked down, feeling sorry, for himself and for his brother.

"Look, it... It'll be alright" Val said, even though he still felt terrible inside. But he couldn't break down in front of Maks, not when he was in this condition.

"I... I just thought..." Maks paused and took in a shaky breath. "I thought we would start a family together."

Val felt so small. It was his fault Meryl got shot. And it was his fault that she wouldn't be able to have her own children. And it was his fault everyone was in this terrible situation. He couldn't help but feel bad.

Val sighed once again. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't think of any words to say. What could he say in a situation like this?

A moment of silence and slight sobbing from Maks passed until Val finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry," he felt his own lip quiver.

Maks hid his face in his hands and said, "it's not your fault, you didn't mean to-"

"But it is!" Val interrupted, eyes brimming with tears. "It's my fault! I shot her! Not you or Serge, or Alex or anyone else! I fucking shot her!"

Maks looked up, his face red.

"I forgive you," he said quietly.

"Maks," Val sighed for the third time. "I don't know what to say," he admitted.

Maks had stopped crying-other than some sniffles-and now looked confused.

"I'm not gonna lie, we are in some deep shit." They shared a chuckle. Val sat down next to Maks.

"Maks, you're my brother. I will always love you. We have gone through everything together. We're rocks man. We compete against each other in front of the world." Maks was starting to smile.

"Meryl loves you. You guys are meant for each other. You guys will get through this. Everything may seem hard, but there are other options. Surrogate, adoption, I mean... Right now, the only thing that matters is that you get through this. We can deal with everything later, but right now, we just need to be strong."

Val held his hand up in a fist, and Maks focused on it.

"Can we do that?" Asked Val.

Maks nodded, wiped his tears, and smiled at Val. Val sadly smiled back.

"She's ready to see you now."

[to be continued]

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