Chapter 1

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A/N - Welcome to the first chapter of "One Second and a Million Miles"! I hope you enjoy it. I'm currently working on a playlist for it.

Madison was once again in the heat of battle. This time in some far off country called Sokovia.

She'd spent the last year with Fury, so it wasn't like she hadn't seen any action.

In all that time, Steve had never once contacted her, giving her the space he knew she needed.

It wasn't until a couple weeks ago that he had called her asking her to help him and the Avengers raid a HYDRA base.

She was still figuring out how to use her powers though after finding out that it was Loki's fault she had them in the first place. When he healed her after the Battle of Manhattan, he had transfer some of his powers over to her.

Madison opened her eyes and found herself in a golden throne room.

Loki sat in front of her on a throne. "Hello, little dove", he said, stepping down from the throne.

"What am I doing here?"

"Is that any way to greet someone who has gifted you with such power?"

She glared at him and said, "What the hell did you do to me?"

"You were weak. I simply made you stronger".

"You had no right!"

"Would you rather be dead? Because that's what will happen if I take it away. Your body had so much damage. You were practically on death's doorstep. You would be dead without my magic".

Madison was silent.

"You were ordinary. I made you extraordinary", Loki told her.

"So, what? I can do whatever I want to now?"

"Do not get carried away, little dove. Using too much of your powers will kill you. And I may not be able to heal you again".

Loki had been visiting her in her dreams, teaching her his magic, for months now.

Stark's voice brought her out of her head. "Shit".

"Language", Steve said.

Madison giggled, taking out a couple of more HYDRA agents.

"JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asked.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield", the AI answered, "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken".

"Loki's scepter must be here", Thor told them, "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last".

"Can we not bring up your homicidal brother up right now?" Madison asked, her dagger embedding itself in a HYDRA agent's chest.

"At long last is lasting a little long, boys", Natasha said, "You good Baby Bird?"

"I'm good. Running low on ammo though".

"I think we lost the element of surprise", her father said, "Madison, I thought you had magic fingers?"

"Very funny, daddy".

"Can I get some of those magic fingers?" Stark asked.

"Focus on your job", Madison said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, Stark. Quit hitting on my daughter", Clint told him.

"Is no one else gonna deal with fact that Cap just said 'language'?" Stark asked.

"I know. Just slipped out", Steve said.

Madison smirked. He never seemed to mind when it was coming out of her mouth.

"We have an Enhanced in the field", Steve said.

"Wait. Besides me?" Madison asked him.

"Clint's hit!" Natasha yelled through the com.

"Daddy!" Madison yelled. She ran towards her father, but stopped when something zoomed past her. She placed an arrow in her bow and aimed it.

About 20 feet in front of her stood a boy with bright blue eyes and hair that matched the snow beneath their feet. He was twirling one of her father's arrows in his hand.

She lowered her bow. There was something about him that told Madison he wasn't a threat.

The boy suddenly stood in front of her.

Could he teleport? Or was he just fast?

He raised a hand to her cheek and tilted Madison's head up. The moment he touched her, it was like the rest of the world fell away. His eyes were so blue, they were almost neon. Maybe that was because of his power, but god, she wanted to drown in those eyes.

The boys' thumb came up to stroke her bottom lip.

Madison's body felt like it had been thrown into a lake of fire. She wanted his lips on hers. His skin against hers.

"Madison! Location" she heard Steve yell through her com, breaking her trance.

The boy winked at her and placed a kiss on her cheek before disappearing.

Steve came upon Madison, still looking at where the boy had stood, panting slightly.

What the hell was that? Madison had never felt like this before. Not even with Steve.

"Madison?" he asked her, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Go get 'em big boy". She patted him on the chest and kissed him on the cheek, before running off to find her father and Natasha. Madison finally found them and dropped to her knees next to her father.

"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac", Natasha told them. She grabbed Madison's hands and placed them on Clint's side. "Hold that".

Thor touched down next to them and helped get Clint to the jet, where Natasha was able to tend to him better.

Madison's fingers came up to touch her lips.

Who was he?

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