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*drum roll*

The next book will be called "Spread My Wings and Fly". It will of course take place during Captain America: Civil War. I'm still debating as to whether it will include Infinity War or if I want to tack Infinity War onto the beginning of the last book. I may have to go back and watch Infinity War to get a better idea of where Madison and Pietro will be during it since I know what I'm doing with them at the end of this book.

Onto the summary!

Clint Barton has completely retired from being an Avenger following the birth of little Nathaniel, leaving Madison to find her place in the world. It's difficult for Madison in the beginning, not having her father to guide her anymore. Things get even more difficult when the government steps in, wanting to control the Avengers. When the Sokovia Accords are put in place, the Avengers are torn apart leaving Natasha and Madison on opposing sides. Does Madison side with her mother Natasha? Or does she rebel against everything and risk her freedom?

"It's time for you to spread your wings and fly, Baby Bird", her father told her. "But...what am I supposed to do without you?" she asked. Her father tucked some hair behind her ear and smiled. "I'll always be here for you, but it's time to leave the nest".

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