Chapter 2

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A/N - This is where this story starts to be mildly M.

On the way back to New York, Madison sat on the floor next to her father's gurney.

One of his hands was lightly stroking her hair trying to comfort her as best he could.

She'd never come this close to losing him.

After talking to Bruce, Natasha made her way over to the father and daughter duo. She checked on Clint's fluids, before sitting down next to Madison. "It'll be okay, Baby Bird", Natasha told her, "Dr. Cho will take care of him".

"He could've died", Madison said softly, "I wish there was something I could do".

Even though Madison had been practicing with her powers for a year, she really only knew how to move things. She still didn't have the power to heal people.

Thor walked over to where Madison sat by her father. "I know what my brother has done to you, little bird", he said, "I know that he cared about you which is why it pains me to tell you that Loki is dead".

"What? But...that's not possible".

"Loki died to protect Jane. The woman I love".

Loki couldn't be dead. He'd been visiting Madison in her dreams for months.

Natasha reached over and took Madison's hand in hers.

Thor had been tricked. He just didn't know it yet.

"Maybe it's for the best", Madison said, shrugging.

Loki could be dead, but she wasn't so sure.

When they arrived at Avenger's tower, a medical team rushed Clint off.

Normally Madison would've gone after them, but she was exhausted. She went to her room to get cleaned up. She was taking her hair down when there was a knock at her door. "Come in!" she called. Madison was surprised to see Steve enter her room.

"Hey", he said.

"Hey", she echoed.

"Are you okay?"

Madison wished people would quit asking her that. "I'm fine. Really Steve. Haven't had any nightmares or flashbacks since DC".

Steve and Madison never really discussed what happened while the helicarriers were going down. Steve opened his mouth to say something.

"If you say 'sorry' one more time, I'll kick your ass", she told him.

Steve gave her a shy smile, one of her favorites. "I've missed that mouth of yours".

"I always knew you liked it, big boy. Now get out. I need to shower".

Steve chuckled. "It's good to have you back Madison. Just like old times".

Just like old times. Madison wished she could go back to the lovesick girl she was at 18. Instead of the damaged young woman she was today. "It's good to be back, Steve", she told him.

Steve gave her one last smile before leaving her room.

After showering and getting dressed, Madison made her way to Tony's lab. Her father was sitting up without a gaping hole in his side.

"Anybody know what that quick bastard's name was?" Clint asked.

"Steve said he's called Pietro Maximoff. He has a twin sister named Wanda. They were orphaned at 10 when their apartment building exploded", Natasha told them.

Pietro. So that was his name.

That night, Madison had the strangest dream.

Thin fingers threaded themselves in her hair. Blunt fingernails lightly scraped her scalp as a quiet whimper left her mouth. Madison heard a deep chuckle in her ear.

"Do you like that Printsessa?" an accented voice teased her.

A pair of lips met her neck and Madison gasped.

The man turned her around in his arms and her brown eyes met a pair of familiar blue ones.

"You", Madison breathed.

It was the boy from the forest. Pietro. What was he doing in her dream?

"Shhh", he cooed, connecting their lips.

Her hands came up to tangle in his silver locks as he hoisted her up in his arms. The next thing she knew, her back was hitting a bed.

Pietro stood above her, his blue eyes burning. His silver and brown hair was mussed and he was panting. The desire was easy to see in his eyes.

Madison pulled him on top of her, their lips meeting in a fiery kiss.

Pietro broke away again. With a hand in her hair, he roughly yanked her head back.

Madison moaned loudly as Pietro smirked. So she liked it rough, did she?

Pietro trailed kisses down her neck as Madison whimpered softly. He sank his teeth into her neck, marking her as his as she yelled out his name. "


Madison sat up in bed, trembling. She smoothed her sweaty hair back from her face as she gasped for air. Her hand touched her neck where Pietro bit her, but there was nothing there.

It felt  so real though.

She got out of bed and splashed some water on her face. After wiping her face, she left her bedroom and wandered into the living area.

The lights in the lab were still on.

Stark and Banner were up.

"Hey", Stark said, noticing her standing in the entrance to the lab. "Bad dream?" he asked her, "You didn't wake up screaming this time".

"Just a weird dream, is all", she told him, fiddling with a pen at Tony's workstation.

"You feeling okay?"

Her cheeks and chest were flushed, but at the same time she looked pale and was shaking slightly.

Tony put down his tools and said, "Come on. Let's get you back in bed".

"No!" she said, sharply. If she went back to sleep there was no telling what would happen.

"Okay. Okay", Tony told her.

Madison sat down on the lab floor, leaning up against Tony's desk. She didn't understand what was happening.

On the other side of world, Pietro shot up in bed, breathing heavily.

"Pietro?" his sister, Wanda, asked him.

Pietro had had wet dreams before, but this one had felt so real. He could still feel her skin on his fingertips. His lips tingled and felt swollen.

It didn't feel like a dream.

"Who was she?" Wanda asked.

"I met her in the forest", Pietro told her.

"She's one of them".

"It was just a dream Wanda", Pietro told his twin.

Or was it?

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