Chapter 9

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A/N - Our baby Pietro is back, people!

After Madison had calmed down, she went inside the house.

"C'mon Baby Bird, let's get you cleaned up", Natasha told her. She ran a bath for Madison and helped her wash her hair.

Laura left a pair of pajamas on the bed for Madison to change into after her bath.

Natasha talked as she brushed and braided Madison's hair.

"Why would you lie to me?" Madison asked her.

Natasha sighed. "I know you thought your father and I were...But he was just doing what he thought was in your best interest and I went along with it because...There's a reason I've always treated you like a daughter. That's because I can't have my own children".

"That's horrible".

"When I was younger, I didn't care. I only cared about completing my mission".

"I don't know what I would do if I couldn't have children".

"You shouldn't even be thinking about that".

"I know, but every little girl wants to grow up and get married. Have children...Will you sing me to sleep like you used to?"

Natasha smiled.

Madison got under the covers with her head in Natasha's lap.

Natasha started singing a Russian lullaby from her childhood.

Madison was asleep in no time with a faint smile on her lips.

Pietro and Madison stood in a field.

"How could you tell him that?" Madison asked Pietro, "I trusted you!"

"I didn't", he insisted.

"How is this ever going to work if I can't trust you?" Madison's eyes filled with tears.

Pietro wrapped his arms around her. "I swear I didn't tell him. I would never betray you like that".

Even if this was just a dream, Madison could feel the heat of Pietro's body against hers. Madison's head fit perfectly below Pietro's.

They gently swayed side to side as Pietro rubbed her back.

"Do you have any idea how guilty Banner feels right now?" she asked him, "He already hates who he is. Why are you doing this?"

Pietro let go of her and stepped back.

Madison could see the look of pain in his blue eyes.

"I can't..." Pietro told her.

"It's okay. I won't pressure you". Madison placed her hands on his cheeks, feeling his stubble lightly scrape her palms.

Pietro leaned forward, his forehead touching Madison's while her thumbs lightly caressed his jawline.

Madison could hear someone calling her name, but she didn't want to let go of Pietro. Please don't take me away from this, Madison begged.

The last thing she remembered was Pietro's lips against her temple.

Madison opened her eyes and saw Natasha standing over her.

"Do you want to explain why you were saying the Maximoff kid's name in your sleep?" she asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

Madison sat up in the bed. "I don't have to explain myself to you".

Natasha had some nerve. "Madison...that witch is messing with your mind. She's making you think..."

"You don't know a thing about Pietro".

"And you do?"

"Get out of my way, Nat. I'm done talking to you".

"What about Bruce? Wanda made him go on a rampage. He hurt innocent people, Madison".


Natasha grabbed Madison's arm and Madison whirled around, trying to slap Natasha, but she caught her wrist. "Gonna have to do better than that, Baby Bird", she said.

This led to a full on fight between the two women.

Natasha wasn't angry with Madison, but her daughter's judgment was clouded.

Madison had Natasha pinned when someone grabbed her around the waist and pulled her off the spy. "Let me go!" Madison roared. Madison's hands were glowing green and she looked ready to spit fire.

"Easy there, Baby Bird", Clint said. He dragged her kicking and screaming out to the front yard. "What the hell has gotten into you?"

"Natasha just said something that pissed me off".

"Which was?"

Madison glared at her father and said nothing.

"Stop being so goddamn stubborn!" Clint snapped.

"She has feelings for the Maximoff boy", Natasha said appearing on the porch.

Clint looked at his daughter who was standing with her arms crossed over her chest glaring at the ground. "After all they've done? Natasha nearly had a mental breakdown! The girl caused Banner to go on a rampage!"

Madison knew her father and her surrogate mother were right, but against her better judgment, she'd fallen in love with Pietro. Madison continued to stare at the ground as tears of frustration filled her eyes.

Clint pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please tell me you haven't fallen for him".

Madison could hear the disappointment in her father's voice. She brushed past her father and Natasha and stormed back up to her room. She went to her bathroom and shut the door. Madison slid down the door as she finally gave in. Built up tears came streaming down her face.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Whoever it is, go away", Madison pleaded.

"It's Laura. They're getting ready to leave".

Madison stood up and opened the door. She was surprised when the woman hugged her.

"You can't help who you love", Laura said as she handed Madison her uniform.

Madison slipped on her uniform. As she was taking out her braid, Madison heard the door open.

The little girl...her half-sister...stood there.

"Um, hi?" Madison said.

"Lila! What are you doing up?" Laura asked.

"Lila? Cute name".

Lila smiled at her before her mother ushered her back to bed.

Madison hoped she had a daughter one day. After she was ready, Madison boarded the Quinjet. "So where are we headed?" Madison asked Steve.

"Seoul, South Korea".

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