Chapter 15

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Both Pietro and Madison were taken to the infirmary aboard the helicarrier. Despite protocol, Pietro and Madison were placed in the same room.

"She'll wake up", Natasha told Clint.

"I know". His Baby Bird was a fighter. She had proved that time and time again. He just hoped that it wouldn't be three months this time.

Wanda stood by the window, watching her twin fight for his life as well. "You said she healed him?" Wanda asked Clint.

"Yeah. Guess she wanted to give him a fighting chance".

"C'mon. We could all use some rest", Natasha told him, "They'll call us when they're up". Natasha led the two away from the infirmary.

Pietro was the first of them to wake up. Of course, he was upset that Madison had risked her life to save him.

"That's what she does", Clint told him, "She puts her life on the line for the people she loves". Clint didn't particularly like the boy, but he loved Madison. He only wanted her to be happy so if Pietro was what made her happy, he would learn to like him.

Loki, under the guise of invisibility, appeared in the room. He walked up to where Madison lay. "I warned you, little dove", he said placing his hand on her cheek, "Wake up, little one".

Madison opened her eyes.

"You are very weak. Do you want this? If you don't I can make it go away. All the hurt. All the pain".

No, Loki heard in her mind. An image of Pietro also popped into his head. "You wish to stay because of the boy? Very well, little dove". Loki's magic reached out to Madison's. He only gave her a little so he would have enough to travel back to Asgard.

"I warned you once and I will warn you again. You must not use your powers in large quantities. You need to build your strength up with them. Then you will be able to use them fully". Loki stood up and leaned down to place a cold kiss on her forehead. "Goodbye, little dove", Loki said disappearing.

A couple of days later, Madison woke up. She sat up in bed and looked around. Clearly she was back on the helicarrier, but where was everyone?

Dr. Cho entered the room and said, "It's good to see you up Miss Barton. Don't worry; I've already contacted your father and Mr. Maximoff".

In a second, Pietro stood in front of her. He made his way to the side of her bed and sat down. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. "I've missed you, moy Kolibri".

"Why do you call me that?"


Madison nodded. "It means hummingbird, right?"

"In some folklore, hummingbirds are healers and bringers of love. Without you, I wouldn't be here right now. You're my Hummingbird".

Madison pulled back and kissed Pietro.

They heard someone clear their throat.

Pietro pulled away and said, "Don't worry. It's only Wanda". Pietro got up and Madison was attacked by Wanda hugging her.

When Wanda pulled back, her eyes were shining with tears. "You saved my brother. I'm forever in your debt".

"Teach me to do what you can do and we're even".

Clint and Natasha entered the room next. Clint hugged his daughter. "I'm so glad you're okay".

"Did you not think I was going to wake up?"

"We knew you'd wake up", Natasha reassured her, "We didn't doubt you for a second".

After being cleared by Dr. Cho, Madison was released. Madison had decided to stay with her father while she recovered from the Battle of Sokovia.

Pietro followed her, while Wanda stayed with the Avengers.

This would be the first time the twins had been separated for a significant amount of time.

Clint, Pietro, and Madison entered the farm house.

"Hey", Clint said.

With tears in her eyes, Laura walked up to him and kissed him.

Pietro looked at Madison confused.

Umm, this is my step-mother Laura, Madison explained to him.

Pietro nodded as Laura turned to them.

"Hi", Madison said, awkwardly, "This is my boyfriend, Pietro".

"Madison and Pietro are going to be staying with us for a little while", Clint told Laura.

"That's fine. Madison can stay with Lila in her room and Pietro can stay with Cooper. At least until Nathaniel gets here. Which should be any day now".

Lila came running down the stairs and hugged Madison's waist.

"Hey Lila", she said, patting her head.

Pietro smiled at how Madison awkwardly interacted with her sister.

I am not afraid to set you on fire, Pietro heard.

Pietro mentally rolled his eyes. Sure, sure, Kolibri.

Don't test me, Roadrunner.

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