Alternate Chapter 16

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A/N - We've officially reached the end, my friends! The next chapter will just be announcing the next book and such.

That night after dinner, it was time to put the kids to bed.

"Come on you", Clint said picking Lila up. He walked over to Madison and placed a kiss on her head. "Night Baby Bird".

"Night daddy".

Clint, Lila, and Cooper made their way up the stairs.

Laura was washing the dishes.

"Do you want some help with that?" Madison asked her.

"No, its fine sweetheart".

Clint entered the kitchen again.

"Something wrong?" Laura asked.

"Lila wants Madison to tell her a bedtime story", Clint sighed.

"What?" Madison asked, "But I don't know any bedtime stories. My bedtime stories were always epic stories about missions".

"Just try it".

Madison got up and made her way to Lila's bedroom.

Lila scooted over to make room for Madison.

Madison sat down on the bed and the little girl curled up in Madison's lap. Madison hesitantly started stroking her hair. "Once upon a time...there was a little girl named Madison. Madison's mother had died giving birth to her. Now, this little girl wasn't just any little girl, she was a princess and her father was the king of a faraway land. When the princess turned 16, King Barton knew he had to marry her off".

"So what did he do?"

"He...held a ball and invited princes from other faraway lands. King Barton had selected two extra special princes. One was a complete gentleman. The perfect prince. His name was Prince Steven. The other was a trouble maker, but he had a sweet side. His name was Prince Pietro. King Barton knew the princess would choose these two princes out of all the others. But the princess couldn't decide which one she wanted to marry".

"What did the king do?"

"The king sent them on a quest. They had to slay a dragon and bring back some of the treasure it was guarding. The princes were gone for quite a long time, but in the end, only one returned. Prince Steven".

"What happened to the other prince?"

Madison took a deep breath and said, "Prince Pietro died. He had seen how Princess Madison had looked at Prince Steven and knew he would make her happy. He saved Prince Steven and died in his place".

"That's so sad".

"The princess was heartbroken, because part of her had loved Prince Pietro".

"So what happened? Did the princess marry Prince Steven?" Lila asked, looking up at Madison.

"Do you think that's how the story should end?"

The little girl nodded.

"Then yes, Princess Madison married Prince Steven and they lived happily ever after", Madison told her, "Now go to sleep". Madison got up and helped Lila get comfortable.

"Night sissy".

"Goodnight Lila", Madison said and left the room. She found her father standing outside.

"I heard everything. I'm so sorry Madison".

Madison broke down for the first time since Pietro's death.

Clint stroked her hair as he tried to calm his oldest daughter.

"I don't know what I want anymore", she cried.

"Maybe you should stay here for a couple of days until you figure it out".

Over the next few days, Madison slowly adjusted to life on the farm. But there were moments where she found herself missing DC or New York City. Madison was sitting on the steps of the house when Lila came out onto the porch.

Lila had become Madison's little shadow. Her siblings were nothing like her, so Madison didn't have that much in common with them. "Would you braid my hair?" Lila asked her.

Madison playfully rolled her eyes and said, "Sit down".

Lila sat down in front of her and Madison started to brush the little girl's hair. As she was finishing Lila's braid, the sound of a motorcycle was heard. "Go inside", she told Lila.

The little girl did as she said.

Madison stayed on the porch as Steve pulled up.

He turned off the motorcycle and got off, walking up to Madison.

"Why are you here?" Madison asked.

"I'm asking you to come back. We need you Madison. I need you".

Two days later, Clint found Madison in her room packing her bag.

"Knock knock", Clint said entering.

"I have to", Madison told him. She turned to him.

"I know you do Baby Bird. You're young and restless. I know the feeling".

When her bag was packed, Clint carried it down the stairs. Madison hugged Laura.

"Be careful", Laura said, "No more death scares".

Madison moved onto baby Nathaniel. She held him and kissed his forehead. "Bye Pietro", she said softly. Handing Nathaniel back to his mother, she moved onto Cooper.

She didn't know the young boy very well, but she leaned down and ruffled his hair. "Take care of your mother and sister, okay?" she asked him. She kissed his head and moved onto little Lila.

"Please don't go, Maddie!" the little girl said.

"I have to, sweetheart".

"Then I want to go with you!"

"I wish you could", Madison said, tears starting to gather in her eyes.

"When I grow up, I want to be like you", Lila said as she hugged Madison's neck.

Madison pulled her small arms away from her. "Listen to me Lila. Trust me when I say you don't want to be like me. I can't explain it to you now, but I promise I will when you're old enough to understand".

"Will you tell Prince Pietro that I hope he finds his happy ending?"

"I promise". Madison hugged the small girl and said, "I love you Lila".

"I love you too Madison".

Clint gathered Madison into his arms and said, "Please be careful".

"I'll try".

"Just remember, you can have both".

They all made their way onto the porch.

Madison handed her bag to Steve and he put it in the Quinjet.

"Watch out for her Nat", Clint said.

"You know I will".

"And Cap? Keep her safe".

Steve nodded at him.

Madison took one last look at the farm before getting on the jet. As they were flying back to HQ, Madison pulled out the picture of Pietro and his family. She would make Pietro proud.

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