Alternate Chapter 15

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Soon, it was time for Clint to return to his family. He and Madison stood out near the Quinjet. "Are you sure you won't come?" her father asked her.

"I'm more needed here".

He embraced her and said, "I hope you'll reconsider".

"I just need some time to deal with some things". Madison was starting therapy soon to deal with what had happened at the Battle of Sokovia and everything regarding Pietro. Then she would decide what she wanted to do.

Her father pulled back and kissed her forehead. "I love you Baby Bird".

"I love you too, daddy".

"Your mother would have been proud of you".

Madison smiled sadly at him.

"I know I don't say it enough, but she would", Clint said, "Bye Baby Bird".

"Bye daddy", she said and watched him get on the Quinjet. Maybe one day she'd have a family as well and she could leave this life forever. As she watched the Quinjet take off, Madison felt an arm wrap around her waist. She didn't need to look to know it was Steve.

Pietro was gone, but Steve would still be there for her.

A few weeks later, the new Avengers headquarters was purchased and renovated thanks to the funds provided by Stark.

Laura had also had her baby. A little boy named Nathaniel Pietro Barton after the boy who had saved his life.

While Steve talked to Stark, Madison found her feet leading her to the new memorial that had been built for all the fallen agents. She trailed her fingers across the wall with thousands of names engraved in it.

The memorial only contained two gravestones.

Madison made her way over to them. One belonged to the man who had practically raised her and the other to a man that she could've built a future with, had he lived. She knelt down in front of Pietro's grave. As she sat there, staring at the words on the gravestone Wanda walked up behind her.

"Pietro would not have wanted you to be so sad", Wanda told her.

"It should've been me". Madison knew it was foolish, but she wanted to take his place. It was something she had struggled with ever since the Battle of Manhattan. Why had she survived, while he was the one who lost his life?

"You know, Pietro sacrificed himself for you so you wouldn't be alone. No one should lose a parent. You have been through a lot for one so young".

Wanda came and sat beside her. "What is that saying? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?"

Madison smiled.

Wanda pulled out a picture. "Pietro carried this around all the time. I can't stand looking at it". She placed it in Madison's hand and said, "I'm sure he would've wanted you to have it. I know Pietro had feelings for you. I'm sure you two would have been very happy together".

Wanda patted Madison on the shoulder and left her alone.

Madison looked up at Pietro's grave. "I promise to keep it safe", she told him. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to the gravestone as a silent thank you.

Laura was in the living room, picking up the kid's toys when the doorbell rang.

"Honey! Could you see who that is?!" Clint yelled.

Laura got up and went to the front door. She opened the door and saw Madison standing there. "Hi", she said. Laura embraced the girl.

Madison froze for a moment, before hugging the woman back. She let go of her as Clint came down the stairs. "Hi daddy".

Clint launched himself at her.

Madison wrapped her arms around her father. "I'm so sorry".

"Shhh. There's nothing to forgive".

Laura came back outside with the kids in tow.

Clint took Nathaniel from Laura's arms and placed him in Madison's. "

Hey there Pietro", she said.

Neither Clint nor Laura corrected her.

Nathaniel garbled and grabbed onto Madison's hair.

She smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Would you like to come in? I just started dinner", Laura said.

"You mean I can stay?" Madison asked her.

"Of course you can. You're Clint's daughter. I know I'll never be your mother, but I hope that one day we can be friends".

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