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Todoroki Pov
There weren't any tables left so we needed up sitting at the bar area. I'm pretty sure my face was still pink from when she hugged me...

"So, what do you want?" I heard Yaoyorozu say is a calm and collective tone, even though I could see a little bit of a flustered look. "Umm, I think I'm gonna get some soba with a sweet tea." I answer her question. "That sounds good. I'm not sure what I want, I'm used to my dads cooking. So it's weird eating out someplace! What do you recommend Todoroki?" She asks while smiling at me. "W-well you could do the soba, like I'm getting or you could do the sushi. Which by the way, is amazing!" I say with a tiny smile. "Oh, then maybe I'll do the Sushi, just because you said it was amazing." The waitress comes back to order our drinks. "Can I get a glass of water?" She asks politely. "And for you young man?" The waitress asked " Can I just get a sweet tea?"

"Alright, I'll be back in just a moment to bring you your drinks!" She says walking away " I didn't know you drank sweet tea Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu questions as she looks at me. "Is it that weird to drink sweet tea?" I ask questionably. "I guess not, but I only ever see you drink water. You never have any other beverages..." She says with a look of sadness on her eyes. "I'm just not a big fan of a lot of drinks I guess." Saying as I look up at her. "Oh I gues-" She gets cut off as our waitress comes back with our drinks. "Here you guys go." She set mine down slowly, but almost completely dropped Yaoyorozu's all over her shirt. " I am so sorry, let me go get you a napkin." The waitress says before running off. I look at Yaoyorozu who had dropped a few drops of water on her shirt. I hadn't realized at first. I grabbed my napkin because the worker hadn't come back yet and hand it to Yaoyorozu.

She wipes down her shirt and I tell her to keep it. It had been 10 minutes and the waitress hadn't come back yet. "Hello, I'm sorry, the girl who was waiting you just left. So I'll be taking your orders." It was odd but I let it go. "Uhm, yeah okay. I'll have the Soba please." I kindly say to her. " And for you ma'am?" She asked Yaoyorozu. "I'll have the traditional sushi please." "Your orders will be done soon." She says walking away.

Just at that moment, the door opens and a person (couldn't tell) walked in and took a seat. I looked over to see them staring our way. I look away just as fast as I looked at them. I don't think Yaoyorozu noticed yet though.

Yaoyorozu's Pov

That's odd, she just left in a middle of her shift. She must have been very tired. " It's weird..." I say " Hm, what's weird?" Todoroki asks questionably. " Well I mean, we barely ever talk to each other, and yet here we are, eating lunch together. I have nothing against, it's fun. But I don't know. It's just surprises me I guess." Before he could answer the waitress came back with our food. "There you guys go. Enjoy!" She said before walking away. I took one bit of the sushi and I feel in love with it! It was so delicious. I looked over at Todoroki to see him taking a bite of his soba. " This sushi is so goooooooood!" I said with a big and bright smile on my face. " I bet it is." He said looking over at me. " How's your Soba?" I asked him. "Oh, it's not bad. I've had better but it's fine." I smiled at him and continued to eat.

I swear the entire time I was eating I could see todoroki look over at me every once in awhile. But besides that I thought I felt eyes staring at me. I turn around, but all I see is a young boy or girl wearing a hoodie with the hood on. They were looking the other way so I just ignored it. "What is it Yaoyorozu?" Todoroki asked in a concerned voice. "Oh it was nothing just looking outside. It was still snowing, I'm pretty sure it got worse then this morning. I turn and finish my food. Todoroki had been done for a little bit but was waiting on me to finish. "Here's your bill, I'll be back in a minute to get it." The waitress said kindly while walking away. Todoroki picked it up and put his debit card in. She came back and got it, then walked back to the back.

" Thank you Todoroki. For lunch and for paying." I said softly. "Your welcome Yaoyorozu." He answered back. The waitress walked back and gave him his card back. He picked up his jacket and put it on me. I just happened to look back, to see the person from the restaurant, they were following us. I look away and up at Todoroki. I whisper into his ear and tell him " That person who was sitting behind us at the restaurant is following us." He turned around quickly and saw what I was talking about. " Don't look at them, were leading them away from houses and going to the park." He rapped his arm around my shoulders while his other arm was holding onto my other hand. He walked fast, but very calmly.

We reached the park and sat on a bench. The person stopped right in front my of us. They didn't say a word just stood there. "What the fuck do you want?" Todoroki said with his voice loud and clear.
" You...to say how you feel" the voice said sounding very irritated, it was hard to hear but I understood it. They then leaped towards us and Todoroki built an ice wall to block them. He grabbed my arm as we ran. Making sure not to let go and keeping me near him at all times.

(A/N: heyo, yeah sorry this one took an extra day to write Bc I was sorta confused on how I wanted to write it. But I ended up choosing this and I'm some what happy with it for some reason. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. See you next chapter)

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