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Todoroki Pov

I'm running trying to find a place to hide and think of a plane while still pulling on Yaoyorozu making sure not to lose her. I'm holding onto her hand as tight as possible. We make it to the playground and hide in a slide. "Todoro-..." I cut her off before she could finish. "Shhh. We have to be quiet." I say whispering into her ear. She shook her head and held on tight to my arm. I rapped my arm around her shoulder while trying to come up with a plan. I hear a person walk past the slide and around the play ground. "Hey Yaoyorozu, could you make a rope?" I asked quietly. "Uh- rope? Like what type?" She asked clumsily. "Like yarn like, I don't know just rope. Any type should be fine." "O-okay one sec..." she said while thinking. She unbuttoned her shirt.

Oh shit, that's right, I forgot about that detail. I turn away out of embarrassment. She tapped my shoulder and handed me the rope. "Do you think you could distract her for a few minutes while I set the rope up?" I asked while she was buttoning up her shirt again. She nodded and went up the slide as I slide down. "Where are you bastard?" I heard the person say, and by the voice I could tell it was a girl. I thought I slightly remembered the voice but I couldn't think of where I had heard it from... "come out you little slut!" I heard them yell again. I knew immediately that the person was talking about Yaoyorozu. "I'm over here!" I heard her yell. I wish I would have made Yaoyorozu put up the trap instead of be the distraction. God I hate my self

Yaoyorozu Pov

I have no idea what Todoroki is planing but I'm going to go along with it. "What's your name you slut?" I heard the person yell while trying to land a punch on my face. "Why the hell do you want to know?" I yell back dodging her fist. She fell and I took that opportunity to run hoping she would get up and follow me. "Todoroki, are you ready yet?" I yelled hoping he could hear me. " Yeah I need just a few more minutes."

Just at that moment I felt a hand on my mouth and a blade right in front of my throat. "Scream and I'll kill you! Do I make my self clear?" I turned to look at them and I saw our waitress that supposedly "left" while we were eating. I shook my head and she continued. "My quirk is truth, if I know the name of a person I can say something, anything at all, like 'How to do you feel towards....' and it would force them to say that truth." Thats why she wanted my name. "But I only need either their last name or first name, no point in having both." She said with a slight sinister smile. Shit, I said todoroki's Name loud enough that she probably heard it.

"Okay I'm ready Yaoyorozu." Fuck, he doesn't know so he said my name. "Now I suggest you yell back, and don't say a word or I'll slice your throat." The waitress whispered "y-yeah, okay w-where are you?" I asked in a shaky voice. "Yaoyorozu, I'm over by the slide, are you alright? Your voice sounded shaky." Yeah I'm fine I just f-fell and hurt my leg a little." I said while she forced me to walk forward with the blade still right in front of my throat. "I'm coming over there n-now." I said still shaky from the blade that is so very close to my throat. I see todoroki standing by the slide facing the other way. "Do you know where the person went?" He asked, we reached him and I answered back "y-yeah?" I said. He turned around and his eyes got wide. "Y-Yao-..." He was cut off before he could finish. "This girl will be dead if you give me the wrong answer!" The waitress stated.

Todoroki Pov

Fuck, I knew I should have had Yaoyorozu put the trap up instead of distract her, god damnit I'm a fucking idiot. "This girl will be dead if you give me the wrong answer!" The person said staring right into my eyes with a look of sinister and hatred. I knew who it was just by what I could see of their face. "What do you mean?" I asked very cautious of what I say. "Why not have you little girl friend here tell you, hmm? Momo yaoyorozu" She said while nudging Yaoyorozu's arm. "H-her quirk i-is truth. S-She needs the n-Name of someone, either f-first or l-last, not both. S-she then ask's any q-question  and you will answer h-honestly..." she must have just used it on Yaoyorozu Bc of the way she said it. "Now I suggest you sit down and answer my questions. Or like I said, I'll kill her." I sat down and looked up at her.

"Now whats you damn question?" I asked sternly. "Oh no no, I'm not just gonna ask you right off the bat, we're gonna have a little fun first." She said while still holding the blade up to Yaoyorozu's neck. "How long have you liked miss Momo Yaoyorozu here for, Todoroki?" She asked while looking at Yaoyorozuwith hatred gliding in her eyes. My mouth starts moving on it's own. "2-2 years." I say with out any control. My face was as red as a tomato, I looked at Yaoyorozu who's eyes were shut but her face just as red. " so you admit it, I mean it's not like you had a choice or anything, but still. Now, a more serious question!" She said while almost pressing the knife up against Yaoyorozu's throat.

"Have you had any sexual desires towards her? Todoroki?" What? I ask my self "N-no..." I say "Oh, I thought you wold have thought about playing with her, guess I was wrong." She presses the blade in a slow but harsh way up against Yaoyorozu's neck. And just at that moment I heard cop cars and Sirens. During the time Yaoyorozu was distracting The person I took that time to message Deku and tell him to call the police. The rope was just a trick for if the person was listening. The person dropped her arm. I took the opportunity to go and grab Yaoyorozu while trapping the person in an ice prison.

I held Yaoyorozu close and she hugged me while crying. "Thank you Todoroki!" She said while digging her head into my chest. I put one of my hands on her back while my other hand held up against the cut on her neck trying to freeze it. The cops took the lady in not the cop car while putting a pair of sound proof head phones on her. One of the cops walked over to us. "Sir, my name is Officer Kiri, please come over here so we can take a look at both of you." She said helping me up while lifting Yaoyorozu. She took us to a cop car and sat us in the back seat. I was able to stop the bleeding from Yaoyorozu's cut. She was leaning up against my arm while still crying, but also half way asleep.

"Sir I would like to know your names and what happened." "R-right. Her name is Momo Yaoyorozu, mines Shoto Todoroki. We were informed our school got out early so we went to go get lunch, when we left this person was following us. She was our first waitress, but she had "left" early. Then we lead her to the park away from the houses." I said looking at her trying to remember all that happened. "Thank you sir." She got out of the car and walked away. "T-todoroki, t-thank you. F-for helping me." She said right as she fell asleep. "Your welcome Yaoyorozu." I put my arm around her shoulder, kissed her head and started to cry.

It was my fault she was dragged into this, my fault she got hurt, my fault she almost died. It was all my fault. I cried until I feel asleep.

Yaoyorozu Pov

I woke up to see Todoroki holding onto me with his hard leaned against mine. I felt a sharp pain in my neck as I tried to move it. I then remembered what happened last night. My neck, todoroki, want todoroki sai-...What he said "How long have you liked miss Momo Yaoyorozu here for, Todoroki?" "2-2 years." My face went whiter and I squealed a little. Lou's enough to wake up todoroki.

"W-whats wrong?" He asked as he sat up. I pushed a pillow in his face, screamed as loud as possible and ran out the door. S-sorry Todoroki, I just couldn't look at you.

(A/N. So this was my longest chapter so far. And I'm sorry it was kinda bad, but I'm not good with writing stuff like that. So anyways see you next chapter!)

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