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Todoroki Pov

I wake up to see Yaoyorozu sitting up with a flustered face. "W-what's wrong?" I ask, but before anything else a pillow is shoved on my face and she screamed really loud while running out of the room. What the fuck was that about. "Wait, red-, pillow, last night, truth quirk.... SHIT!" I remembered what happened and ran after her. I reached the hall way but she was gone. Wait a minute, where am I? It's really big, house, no mansion. Is this Yaoyorozu's house. I look down the hall. I see a door that looked to be a bathroom and knock. "Hello?" I say loud enough for if someone was in there only they could hear. "G-go away Todoroki." I heard Yaoyorozu say. "Look I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean for all that to happen last night. And I'm guessing by the way your reacting you done like me back huh?" "That's o-..." I get cut off. "No I do like you. That's why I ran away, and I can't look at you because I don't want you to see me all flustered and crying..." she said back with the sound a slight sob noise in her throat.

"Yaoyorozu?" I take the door knob and twist it. It wasn't locked, so I walked in. "Shit, I forgot to lock it." She says while slamming her head against the counter. I close the door, locking it this time. I walk over to her and force her to look at me.

"Yaoyorozu, I'm so so sorry." I say while hugging her. Her head was on my shoulder and her arms were to her side, she let out a little sob and put her arms around me as we fell to the ground. "It's okay, don't cry." I rap my arms more tightly around her waist. She let go and looked up at me. "Thank you Todoroki." She said with a small smile. I help her up and walk her to her room. I sit in the hall as she gets ready for school. I'm alerting my uniform, mostly because I never changed out of it... she walked out and looked at me, "Ready?" She asked while holding her hand out. " yep." I say while grabbing her hand as humane pulls me up.

Yaoyorozu Pov

My heart is still racing as we walk to school. Todoroki's arm is around my shoulders while mine are around his waist. "I have a question?" I say "yeah? What is it?" He asks looking down at me. "W-would you maybe wanna, b-be m-m-my boyf-friend?" I ask while looking down grabbing really tightly around his waist. It had been a few seconds and he hadn't answered so I looked up. "I-I can't breath!" He says. Opps, I guess I was holding onto him to tightly. "Phew, I thought you were going to kill me for a second, but to answer your question, yes I would. I would love that." He says will a small smile forming across his face. I stop and get in front of him just so I can give him a real hug. He face goes a little red and I can tell he is flustered because his right side has little ice pouches and his left is a little ignited in flames.

"Oh, someone's flustered!" I say will a sinister look on my face. He gets even more flustered "oh, and your not?" He ask's. Shit, he figured me out. I punched his arm and then grabbed onto it agin. We reach the school and it's decorated for Christmas, with lights, tinsel, and of course, mistletoes.

We walk into class and surprised to see everyone staring at us. We look at each other, and I'm guessing we both had the same thought. We looked up and sure enough there was a mistletoe right in the door frame. We both blushed and looked away. "STOP BEING LIKE THAT A JUST FUCKING KISS HER ICY-HOT!" Bakugo yelled from across the room. "Yeah come on.... its so obvious you guys like each other!" Mina says with a look of sadness and grief.

I looked up, and when Todoroki turned towards me I kissed him. He was shocked and didn't kiss back immediately, but after a few seconds he kissed back. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. We let go and walked to our seats.

Mina walked over to me while Kirishima walked over to Todoroki. "So, what was it like?" Mina asked me as I sat down. "I don't know, soft and sweet I guess. I'm not good with explaining things Mina!" I say back quietly. "Okay okay, fine I'll leave you alone." She walked away and I slammed my head against my desk. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. "Are you alright Momo?" I hear. It was Todoroki. "Yeah I'm fi- wait, did you just call me Momo?" I ask "Yeah, sorry..." he says with a sad look on his face. "No no your fine, it just surprised me." I say while putting my hand over his. The bell rang and He kissed my forehead and sat in his seat.

The rest of the class went on when I couldn't even focus correctly. My head was on Shoto, his soft lips up against mine. I touched my lips and could still taste it. I look over at Shoto to see him paying attention to the board. "I love you..." I whisper quietly while turning back. "I love you to." I hear. I look at Shoto who is now looking at me which a smile. I turn away because my face is so hot I think it might explode. I calm down and start to pay back attention to the lesson Mr. Aizawa is teaching. Still having todoroki on my mind. I was barely able to take most of the notes, but I did successfully. "I love you to..."

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