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(A/N: so I went back and changed up a little bit of chapter 7 & 8 Bc someone pointed something out and, yeah. So you might want to go back and reread some parts do your not confused!!)

Todoroki's Pov

We were walking to the Manga café when Momo grabbed my waist slightly and hugged me. "U-uh, M-Momo, What-..." "shhh" I was cut off abruptly by Momo. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you do this. It was my mistake and you shouldn't have to do this for me." She said with a slight wimpier. "No, Momo. Don't say that. I'm happy I can stay with you and make you feel better and stay with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." She face went red and she let go. "Thank you Shoto."

We continued to walk putting my arm over her shoulder. "Here we are. Come on let's go, we don't have to stay in the cold anymore." We walked in and up to the counter. "Hello Ma'am, sir. How may I halo you." Hi yes I would like to get a flat booth for.." I looked at Momo and she held up three fingers. "...three days please." The lady looked at me with a weird look. "Uh, yeah okay. Hold on one second." She said. I'm guessing she was trying to do the math in her head. "Ah, yes. That will be 34,830 yen please." I took out my wallet and payed her. "Thank you sir. Your room will be number 42 to the left. "I grabbed Momo's hand and we walked to the booth. Thankfully it it wasn't too small or too big.

"You can go first Momo." I said holding open the door for her. She crawled in and I hopped in to and closed the door. "Thank you Shoto. I really appreciate it." Taking off her jacket and leaning her head down on her pillow she had brought. " I'm gonna go get a get a manga, do you want one?" I asked as I was about to open the door. "Can you get me erased?" Erased? I've heard of that one. "Okay. Brb" I said walking out and shutting the door.

Yaoyorozu's Pov

I was laying there waiting for Shoto to return and I felt really bad. Here I am worrying about my self when I need to think of others. I started to cry because I felt really bad about cutting my waist. I lifted my shirt up gently and rested it on the top of my breasts. I looked at all the cuts and cried even more. They were red but not bleeding. I touched one softly and it didn't really hurt. It only hurt if you rubbed at if or put to much pressure on it.

I heard the door start to slide and Shoto appeared. "I am back with our ma-" he stopped mid sentence, I had forgotten about my shirt. I pulled my shirt down as fast as you think sonic could have run. "I-I'm sorry, I forgot!" I said in a panic. "Hey hey, no it's fine. Don't worry okay?" He said in a soft voice grabbing a hold onto my shoulder.

I stared right into his heterochromic eyes. They were beautiful. His one bright blue eye and his one light gray eye. They looked sincere when he talked to me.

Todoroki's Pov

{15 minutes before}

I was walking down one of the isles when I say someone familiar. I didn't know who exactly but I thought I had seen them before. I walked closer and realized that it was Kirishima. "Oh hey Kirishima!" I said waving my hand at him. "Oh hey Todoroki, what are you doing here?" He asked returning my wave

"Oh, I'm hanging with Momo..." I didn't want to tell him why but I needed to be somewhat truthful. "Oh, where's she at?" He asked while looking over my shoulder. "O-oh...uh- she in the booth, she wasn't feeling good so I offered to go get her manga for her." I said with a little smile on my face. "Oh, well tell her I said Hi." He said waving his hand and walking back to who I assumed was Sero and Mina. "Yeah I will." I look to spot that was behind me and saw Momo's manga she asked for.

I found book one and picked it up. I walked over to The place I assumed the Manga's that started with a C would be. And there it was, my favorite Manga, "Clockwork planet". I've read it over 100 times. But I'm cool with reading it again. I grab book one and two and head back to our booth.

{ back to present time}

I stared into Momo's beautiful Onyx eye's. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her. I leaned in fast, grabbed her waist and slowly pushed her back against the cushion. I inserted my tongue and a soft and quiet moan came out Momo.

She had on a black shirt and black leggings. I put my hand on the waist right above the cuts to make sure I wouldn't hurt her in any way. I took my mouth away from her mouth and gently started to lick her neck. I soon got to her soft  spot and she quivered arching her back. I took that moment to lift my had up to her breast. I unbuttoned her bra and put my hand under it. She made a soft moaning sound and started to bite the pillow in order to not make so much noise.

"Ah- S-shoto, p-please b-be carful..." She said in a shaky voice. "I know Momo." I said grabbing her breast. "Sh-Shoto!!" She said grabbing and pulling my hair. I let out a moan. It wasn't to loud and I doubt anyone beside Momo heard it. A small giggle escaped her mouth and I got up and started to laugh to! "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you stop." She said with a smile on her face. "Oh nope, your fine. Plus this isn't the ideal place for a first time. Am I right?" "Okay okay I get it."

(A/N: yeah so... idk what I was planning as this went into a semi strange...chapter...don't ask okay!!!)

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