twenty seven

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He knows he shouldn't, but Robert's a curious bastard. So now he's looking around Gordie's room a bit while the brunette takes a shower. Not like anyone would catch him. When they walked in the house, the first thing they saw was a note that Gordie's parents went off on a trip.

" C'mon LaChance, you cannot be this much of a goodie-two-shoes," Red sighs, looking underneath Gordie's bed. Another dramatic sigh passes his lips, moving his damp hair for a moment. He finds nothing...again. " Why didn't I look in his sock drawer?" Robert facepalms, moving towards Gordie's dresser.

Sounds of relief pass Gordie's lips. A towel lays on his shoulder, catching the droplets falling from his hair. He stares at himself in the mirror, finding his body a bit slimmer than before. It's not noticeable, but it's weird though. And lord, he never felt so relieved to wear pajama pants again.

Gordie's steps are quiet as he walks towards his bedroom, wondering what Robert is doing. The door opens with little noise. Raising a brow, he sees Red figure in front of his dresser with something in his hand. Moments pass before Gordie's eyes widen, shutting the door behind him with a loud thud.

" Why do you have a photo of me?" Robert turns around, a look of confusion on his face. Gordie soon has roses blossoming on his cheeks, as his mouth opens and closes without a sound passing.

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