Chapter 8

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We get to the studio at 8AM. The boys get there at 10AM and for a bit I let Karolina sit and watch them while I sorted through some paper work for my boss.
Rye: "Abrial you miserable git, take a day off work for once!"
He walks over to me throwing the paper in the corner.
Rye: "Come chill with us for a bit."
He holds out his hand.

I shake my head at him smiling.
Abrial: "Fuck it, sure!"
I take his hand and he pulls me up and drags me to sit in the circle with them. They all smile at me. Andy starts to play the guitar and they all start to sing. I look down at my hand to see that Rye is still holding it. I think about letting go but then I just take a deep breath and get lost in the music.

Rye, Mikey and I start swaying over dramatically, bumping into each other laughing. Brook and Jack join in and we are all just joking around singing out of tune and stupidly. The song finishes and we are all cheering.
Abrial: " I give that a ten mate!"
Rye: "What, our of a hundred?"
We all laugh. I look over at Karolina but then my smile quickly fades. She is glaring at me and Rye with a foul look on her face. They are all still laughing and joking but their sound has faded out. I quickly let go of Rye's hand and climb up flustered.
Abrial: "Right I should probably get back to work now."
Rye looks at Karolina then back at me. He mouths sorry to me and I weakly smile.
Andy: "Yeah she's right, we should probably get back to actually WORKING now!"
He rolls his eyes and they all laugh. I pick up my pen and try to focus on my work but I just feel Karolina's eyes burning into me.

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