Chapter 17

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Rye: "What do you mean?"
Doctor: "We managed to stop the bleeding but she's in a coma. We don't know when she will wake up, if she will wake up..."
Karolina: "What?! Id she...brain dead?"
Doctor: "No, her brain is still functioning but barely..."
Rye: "So she might never wake up?"
Doctor: "That is a possibility..."
Rye: "Can we see her yet?"
Doctor: "Yes, follow me."

He leads us up some stairs and into this small, dull hospital room. Abrial is lying on the bed hooked up to a lot of tubes. She looks like a ghost. I hear Karolina crying behind me and she goes and sits next to her. I say in the doorframe, unable to see her up close.
Karolina: "Oh my god Abrial, you scared us! I don't know whether you can hear me but please come back to us! Please..."

I take a deep breath and go sit at the other side. As I sit down, I grip her hand. I sigh. I don't know what I was expecting...maybe her to throw away my hand in anger...I don't know, just something to show life...I rest my head on the side and close my eyes.

Eventually, Karolina leaves for some food for us both and I finally get time with her alone.
Rye: "Hey A... Look I'm so sorry about what happened, if I could go back and change what I did I would but you...make me do crazy make me think make me crazy...I know you hate me right now but please wake up...we all need a bit of Abrial in our lives because underneath your rocky surface, you are amazing..."
Karolina comes bursting back through the door.

Karolina: "I got a bacon roll and a sausage one. Which is your preference?"
Rye: "I'm not hungry thanks."
Karolina: "Rye, we've been here for sixteen hours and you haven't eaten or drunk anything at all since we've been here! Eat!"
Rye: "I said I'm good."
Karolina: "God you're as stubborn as her! You two are perfect for each other...In a couple of hours I am going home to get some sleep, you should too."
Rye: "What, so she's in a hospital alone? I'll sleep here!"
Karolina: "Rye, this isn't healthy, you need to..."
Rye: "You don't know me Karolina! You're just a fan, you don't know who I am so don't for a second try and tell me what I can and can't do!"
Karolina: "Fine but you aren't much good to Abrial when you're in a hospital ed of your own! I'm going to leave, I'll be back tomorrow."
She storms out, leaving her food on the chair. I pick it up and throw it in the bin.

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