Chapter 15

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Rye's POV
I'm knelt next to Abrial, cradling her. My jeans are soaked in blood. Her eyes have been closed for three minutes now. I kiss her forehead.
Rye: "Come on Abrial, stay with me. You can do this!"

The driver had pulled over on the side of the road and was pacing up and down cursing at how he was going to be late to his meeting. Brook is stood next to me shaking like hell. I take a deep breath, trying to act like I have it all together when in reality I'm so scared. It came out of nowhere. One minute she was there, then the next minute she was on the floor.

A couple of minutes later, the ambulance arrives and they attach her to some machine and put her in a stretcher.
Paramedic: "Are you family? Do you know whether she had anything to drink? Has she got any allergies?"
Rye: "I'm a friend...she hasn't got any family...she hadn't drunk anything as far as I'm aware and I have no idea."
Paramedic: "Is there anyone we can contact for her?"
Rye: "Her friend, Karolina. I can get hold of her..."
Paramedic: "Okay you can come in the ambulance until Karolina arrives."
Rye: "Okay thanks."

I climb in the back and grip Abrial's hand as she lies on the stretcher lifeless and not moving. My head rest on her side and a few tears slip out of my eye. I quickly open my Instagram and dm Karolina telling her to come to the hospital.

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