Chapter 16

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I sat in the emergency room, feeling so sick. Karolina is pacing around.
Karolina: "How did this even happen?"
Rye: "I don't know...she was...angry and then he just came out of nowhere..."
Karolina: "Why was she angry? Everything was sorted with us and she was just coming for you!"
Rye: "I know, I...messed up..."
Karolina: "What do you mean? What did you do?"

I stay silent.
Karolina: "What did you do?"
She sits next to me and smiles reassuringly.
Rye: "I was with someone else..."
Karolina: "Shit's okay though, she'll be okay..."
Rye: "I just feel so guilty, it's all my fault..."
Karolina: "Don't be stupid, you didn't force her into the road, she was just angry. She will be okay and she'll forgive you."

A doctor walks towards us and we both stand.
Doctor: "So we did some scans and it turns out that she has internal bleeding. We sent her in for surgery. She has a few broken ribs and her leg is broken but we will update you soon."
Rye: "Wait, will she be okay?"
Doctor: "Right now, we can't say until she is out. It's a big risk surgery."
Rye: "So she might not make it?"
Doctor: "Like I said we won't know."
I slump back into the chair. I hear Karolina crying.
Karolina: "She's going to die? Can't you do something else? SAVE HER!"
I cover my face with my hand. I have a banging headache and I can't even function.
Karolina: "YOU CAN'T LET HER DIE!"

I hear her screaming and crying. I open my eyes and see the doctor motioning for security. I sigh and grab her hand and pull her down on the seat next to me.
Rye: "Look she's not dead yet so shut up and let the doctor do his job!"

She goes silent and I just hear an occasional sniff.
Rye: "I'm sorry I snapped I just can't deal right now..."
Karolina: "It's...okay, I understand..."
She smiles weakly and pulls me into a hug.

A couple of hours later, the doctor walks towards us.
Doctor: "She's out of surgery but it's not good news..."

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