Chapter 10

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The door swings open and the boys and Karolina both walk in. We both push away from each other quickly but it's too late. Karolina's face drops.
Abrial: "Karolina, it's not how it looks!"
Karolina: "Really? Because it looks to me like your slutty ass is all over Rye and you lied to me! Don't even try and deny it bitch! Go fuck yourself!"
She storms out.
Rye: "Abrial, I'm so sorry."
Abrial: "It's fine, it's my fault, I shouldn't of done that."
Rye: "Look none of this is your fault, look if she can't support you, then she's the bad friend not you."
Abrial: "No she always said that you were her favourite, she said when you came for the first time 'I love you Rye so much like I can't even!' I literally just got off with her crush, I am the shit friend! I have to go!"
I run outside. I see her car fading into the distance. I stop, out of breath. I see a bus arrive at the bus stop, going to the stop near my flat. I run over to it and climb on.

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