let it out

80 18 3

What's my anger?
It's like a badge
It's just there
Causing damage

I kick doors open
Making sure they slam
I don't even know why I'm mad
I sometimes cry because
I just don't know
And life is going hella slow

I guess I just feel empty inside
Is that why I'm mad?
Is that why I cry?

Everyone I know has
something to live for
Me, I have nothing to die for

My anger is a kindling flame
It finds some wood
when I'm in a rage
And that little flame grows and grows
And I honestly don't know
when it'll explode

When it does
I'll act on impulse
I want that to happen though
Kind of scared and kind of trilled to uncover the anger inside

Then I'll have nothing left to hide
Maybe then I'll know who I am
But maybe it'll just be burnt ash

Either way my heart is a vault
Can't find the key
It's double closed
I don't know who I trust at this point

Don't know what trust means actually
I'll let people in but
I'll shut them out
The real me locked inside
screams and shouts
I'm can't get out of here

I'm trapped inside crying from doubt
Why did I shut you out
What's wrong with me
Why am I this way
I try and try
But no escape

Maybe I'll just die this way
Is there hope for this life today

My brain is a dangerous place
It's the war center base
Most of the time
I have no clue what's going on

I smirk and smirk
Oh what fun
What's wrong with me
I need some help

I don't want to be sad
i want to be me
Happy and free
When will the real me come alive
I can't be this way when I die

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