inspirational? no

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i'm sorry my poems are
not inspirational
i'm sorry
i can't be happy
like i'd like to be
maybe you'll find this inspiring-
i'm living without
hope right now
living without reason
trying to figure out meaning
because to go up to heaven
would be selfish

don't want to be a coward
i'll face life
i'll try my best
i'll survive
i want to live
while i'm still alive
make myself undead
want to start to feel more
to have empathy with my friends

you readers found me in a bad place
i mean,
compare my first poem to my last
so if you want something more inspirational then this
if you want to read something perfect and happy, not sad
i suggest you stop
reading words from this
broken soul
they aren't supposed to be inspirational to read

i'm just getting my feelings out-
not trying to do a good deed
being real with y'all

so the next time you think i'm your typical depressed teen poet
think again.
i'm your broken souled human
trying to survive the world

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