🐱 Review #3 🐱

356 19 2

Title: When Bluebirds Fly

Author: wigglysubu

Genre: Teen Fiction / Drama

Status: Ongoing

Brief Description: A pessimist girl is recollecting all her past memories as her diary gets stolen and is surprised that all the happy memories includes her childhood ex-best friend.

Brief Description: A pessimist girl is recollecting all her past memories as her diary gets stolen and is surprised that all the happy memories includes her childhood ex-best friend

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Like my second review, this book has just started, so I'm not sure what would count as a spoiler. This might be my shortest review yet, just because the plot itself has barely started.

Anyway, if you like things that are deep and insightful, I guess this is the book for you. Personally, I wasn't too much of a fan, but that's more of a preference issue than anything else. It's pretty well-written, and the plot seems to be going in an intriguing direction, so there's that.

Honestly, though, with only four chapters (one being a prologue) so far, there's not much else I can really say.



💠 Grammar: As far as I've read, there haven't been any grammatical mistakes, which I'm awfully grateful for. Since grammar is pretty much perfect, I'm just gonna move along. I don't have to give you any advice on it.

💠 Plot: Erm...

💠 Plot: Erm

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⬆️ (Heh...)

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what the plot is. From what I've read so far, I'm guessing it's about a girl who hates everything and everyone trying to make money. She hates her best friend, for an unexplained reason (which I'm sure will be revealed soon enough), but her best friend seems unaffected by it? At the very least, I am curious as to what happened between the two to make Mariana hate him so much.

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