🐱 Review #4 🐱

392 23 16


Author: Olubean

Genre: Action / Adventure

Subgenre: Superhero

Status: Ongoing

Brief Description: A teenager suffering from a superpowered schizophrenia fights crime in his city as a vigilante.

Brief Description: A teenager suffering from a superpowered schizophrenia fights crime in his city as a vigilante

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(Well, colour me impressed)

I'm going to be completely honest here. When I saw that it would be a superhero story, I really didn't have high hopes for it. I used to be into superheroes when I was younger, but I basically grew out of it, and I'm only familiar with them at best. For some reason, I could never get into the whole superhero hype (not for the lack of trying. More than a few friends of mine made me watch a few Marvel movies, but my interests were always short-lived), and I wasn't sure I'd enjoy reading about them.

That said, I really enjoyed reading Psycho. It's a very original take on superheroes, especially because superheroes in this world have a bloodthirsty side effect, which I think is a very great play on how dangerous people can be when they have powers beyond their control.

Anyway, I think Psycho is a great leeway into the superhero genre if anyone wants to get into it but are unsure of where to start just because it gives the whole backstory of what superheroes are in this universe and how the first superhero came to be.

It also has a lot of comic book vibes, which is a good thing because that's an obvious source of inspiration and it'll mean that if you're a comic book fan, you'll thoroughly enjoy this.

Also, I love the ambition you have with creating your own superhero universe, and I might actually stick around just to see what you come up with. So, if anyone wants to see how this superhero universe will expand from the beginning, I highly recommend you start by reading this book.

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