590 17 37

NOTE: I have created a queue for the following reasons:

1️⃣ The QUEUE is where you go when you need to notify me that you have changed something that will affect my review. These include: your username, your book title, request to remove your book, and request to switch out your book. Please comment in an INLINE comment next to your book, so I know for sure.

2️⃣ For me to keep track of all the books I have to review. When I started reviewing my next book, I had skipped over it in the queue and started to read the one after. It was a real pain, so I made a queue to make sure I don't repeat that mistake.

3️⃣ To give you guys a sort of schedule, so you know which book I'm currently reviewing.

4️⃣ To act as a Table of Contents (since I don't title the reviews by the title of the books).

TO THE AUTHORS OF COMPLETED REVIEWS: Sorry this isn't relevant to you, but I tagged you anyway for the sake of consistency. :)


🐾 KEY 🐾

✔️ Completed Reviews

🔄 Review in progress

🔲 Yet to start

⚠️ Book not found
Please comment next to your book whether you want to: remove your book OR switch the missing book with another one. I will allow you to switch even if you don't have a book right now AS LONG AS it is up by the time I get to you, which will probably take a while. If you still do not have a book by your turn, I will skip over you.

❓ Need confirmation
For authors who submitted their second books ages ago, do you want to: keep your book in the queue OR remove it?




✔️ 1. One Step Ahead 🐈 Starelf555

✔️ 2. The White Wolf 🐈 samiesushi

✔️ 3. When Bluebirds Fly 🐈 wigglysubu

✔️ 4. PSYCHO 🐈 Olubean

✔️ 5. Fake Me To Church 🐈 BlueJay325

✔️ 6. Soulmate Cookies 🐈 findmysteryinme

✔️ 7. Not Just a Love Story 🐈 nouveatoyou

✔️ 8. The Ice Court 🐈 Sin_lugar

✔️ 9. One Summer🐈 freedomgirl007

✔️ 10. The Mission 🐈 SaraRBA

🔄 11. Robo: Interfector 🐈 lionheart_writer

🔲 12. Onyx City Demons 🐈 BroodingCynic

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