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"JESUS CHRIST, WE'RE WEREWOLVES." Avery yelled in frustration. Avery rolled her eyes and sighed. "Silverback bonded to you and you transformed into your wolf."

'He's an idiot. Dump him. Burn him. Kill him, I don't care, just get rid of him!' Accalia shouted loudly in Avery's head. "God. Shut up." Avery said softly.

"But there wasn't a full moon." Jack said.

"Not a thing." Randall replied.

"Silver bullets?" Jack asked. "Duh, it's a bullet." Lilith replied.

'Seriously, fucking kill him or I will.' Once Accalia finish her sentence Avery winced as her eyes turned gold.

Randall walked over to Jack, "Dude. Try to keep up. I told 'em you were smart." Randall whispered.

"Silverback's been dormant for fifty years and he bonds to this dumb ass?" Lilith asked. Avery panted softly and turned around, grey veins ran up her neck, she put her hand on her head and winced.

"Accalia." Avery said softly.

The veins ran back down her neck and Avery's eyes went back to brown. Avery turned back around and Hamish looked down at her in concern.

"All you gotta do is say the oath." Randall said. "'I give my life to the cause.'"

Jack looked over at the four werewolves, "Fuck this and fuck you." Jack grabbed a robe and left. "Hey!" Lilith yelled. She scoffed, "That was my robe."


Avery walked down into the basement and looked around. "Hey--" Avery grabbed one of the object and threw it to the door.

"Shit!" Hamish yelled as the object hit the doorframe beside him. "Sorry." Avery replied. Hamish grabbed the object and pulled it out of the doorframe. "I don't remember your aim being.. this good."

Avery sighed, "There's a lot that you don't know about me." She said softly. "You do know we've known each other for.... ten-ish years right?" Hamish asked.

"Of course." Avery replied in an obvious tone while grabbing a journal. "Grafton Davis." Avery said. "Previous champion of Alpha."


"He wrote great information on the Hides and their Champions." Avery said, ignoring Hamish.


"You should read this one day. I've read it twice. Maybe more. Tried to get Lilith to read it but--"

"Shut up!" Hamish snapped. Avery finally looked up, "What?" She asked. "Are we going to talk or am I just going to stand here, holding a..." Hamish looked at the object he was holding, "a... monkey paw...? while you rant like we always do?" Hamish asked.

"We have nothing to talk about." Avery replied.

"Yeah we do." Hamish retorted, crossing his arms. "What happened--"

Avery cut Hamish off, again, "--What happened between us was a mistake, we both know that. We shouldn't be together, Hamish."

"You don't mean that." Hamish replied.

Avery slammed her hands down on the desk in frustration, "Maybe for once in my fucking life I finally found someone who loved me for me, and I scare myself so fucking much I don't want to hurt you!" Avery snapped.

"I can't control Accalia. She's got her own damn mind! You have no idea what I've done..." Avery said.

"Then tell me." Hamish replied.

"I can't!" Avery shouted. "I fucking can't! If... If I tell you.. I'll lose you. I can't lose you like I did C-..." Avery paused.

"Say it." Hamish said sternly.

"Like I did Cassie." Avery said softly, "You know she's dead because of me."

"She went with the plan. She knew what was at risk." Hamish argued against Avery. "Her death is on the both os us."

Avery looked down and wiped her eye with the back of her wrist. "Ava.. What's going on?" Hamish asked, slowly walked over to her.

Avery sighed and looked up, she walked up from behind the desk and kissed Hamish softly. Hamish kissed back, he slowly moved his hands to his hips.

Avery pulled back and looked up at Hamish, "You need to promise me something."

"What?" Hamish asked.

"Promise me you won't leave me after I tell you." Avery replied, tears building in her eyes. Hamish moved one hand to wipe away a falling tear, "I've stuck by you for a long time. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Hamish said, kissing her forehead.

Avery chocked on sobs and looked up at Hamish, "I-I killed your mother." Avery said softly.

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄 。 𝘩𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘥𝘶𝘬𝘦 {discontinued ; currently rewriting}Where stories live. Discover now