Chapter 2- The Call....

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You lay in your bed thinking will Kai call then suddenly.... You hear your phone ringing....

You: Hello!!!!!

Kai: Hey!!! Y/n it's jongin...

You: (feeling excited) ya!!! What happened....

Kai: Well I did say I'll call you after you settled down, but right now I need something from you....

You: I know, dancing tips.....

Kai: (laughing) well not right now, but some other day, now I need my face mask... You have it....

You: What me (searching in your bag) ya it's with me.....

Kai: Can you come and give it... I need it, it's my lucky one....

You: OK, so come and pick it up!!!!

Kai: Well I can't come, then media will buzz tomorrow with this news....

You: So what should I do, how can I give you.....

Kai: Well I'll text you an address, can you come there?????

You: Okay.....

Finally got THE CALL!!!!!

You receive a text from him... It's the address of the place he wants to meet you.... You dress up good, but also try to hide yourself.... First day in Korea you don't want to be noticed by the media....
You wear a blue tight T-shirt paring with black torn jeans and a high boots.... With loose hair and a purple hoodie..... And aviators.....
After what seemed like a hour to each to the address, you reached the place, you read the name as SM entertainment..... You were shocked that the address was to this place.....
As soon as you went to the reception... You called jongin.... After 2 mins he came running...

Kai: Hi!!!! ( to the lady in the reception) she is with me.....
How are you, settled in Korea...

You: Are you kidding me, I just came here today.....

Kai: Oh I'm sorry you must be jet lagged....

You: It's OK....

Kai: You look good.....

You: Youre not so bad yourself....

Kai: Hey!!!! I'm drenched in sweat, and you are calling me good looking.....

You:I'm just...
Kai: It's OK I'm making fun of
you... Come on in....

You: It's OK, I have to go.....

Kai: No, come in... I'll get some water for you to drink......

You: It's OK jongin... I have to go....

Kai: Too, bad you can meet your bias.... Or am I your bias????

You: (laughing) no you are not my bias, it's sehun.....

Kai: Ow (acting like he been shot in the chest) that maknae....

You: It's OK, you are my friend, right????

Kai: Yep!!!! Hehheheheheh, beat him to this.... Anyway bye, goodnight, take care....

You: Bye.....

You say your bye and leave the building, you turn back to see the building one more time, and you see kai waving you goodbye.... You wave him goodbye and get in the car....
You think to yourself what a day it was, all emotions, all surprises packed in one day....
That was when you realized...

You: Korea is not so bad.....

You reach your room tired and just when you are about to sleep you get a message from jongin...

"did you reach your room safe"

You smile and text back...


"OK then sleep well, I'll message you everyday, are you ready to be pesterd by jongin"

You smile and reply....

"yep, wouldn't hurt to be friends with jongin and Kai, one is the dork and other is the star"

"lol" " I'm going to call you shorty.... "


"well you are short"

"fine then you are dorky"

"I'm fine with it.... "

"OK fine dorky, I have to sleep, have good practice"

"thanks, you too.... By the way any problem or doubt about ma country call me, I'll come running"

"OK dorky"

"bye shorty"

You put your phone on charge and sleep on the bed.... Thinking how will your day be tomorrow....

The next day.....

You hear a loud knocking at the door.... You get up to check the time, it was 6 am.....

You: Who is it????

??: Hey its me.....

You wake up to open the door hearing the familiar voice.....

To be continued..........

Hey guys.... Sorry for the crappy chapter, I swear it's going to be fine from next chapter on wards....
Saranghae ~♥~

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