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If Namjoon couldn't feel a very intense stare back then, now he certainly does.

Since the 'confession' Namjoon tried to avoid Jungkook with every moment he has, he was scared, confused, but just mostly scared.

Namjoon has not told anyone, he didn't want to hurt Jungkook or be in a awkward situation, so he lived on with intense stares and awkwardness. Namjoon sighed very uncomfortable with all this intense starting he was receiving, he's always thought about how Jungkook kissed him forcibly and how he said he'll be his, he had a nervous feeling.

Namjoon went out of his room, seemingly the dorms were...quiet. He walked to the kitchen looking to see no one was there, he checked his phone and looked to see he got a message from Jin.

'Namjoon-ah me and the boys are going on a few little errands, but Jungkook will be there with you, I've seen for the past week you guys have been avoiding each other, I think you should talk to him, be back soon~' Namjoon literally panicked looking everywhere to see if Jungkook was there. He didn't know why he was so shookin up it's just...Jungkook. But he thought again on how Jungkook looked strange that day, but maybe it was his mind making illusions, he thought logically maybe Jungkook has been suffering this for so long maybe he was to freaked out to apologize? To in the mood maybe? He nodded, yeah he's a young kid still doesn't know what he's doing. Namjoon felt more reassured and went to Jungkooks bedroom getting more pressured by the second.

He knocked on the door waiting nervously, no one answered, Namjoon probably thought he was sleeping, so he went back not wanting to wake him up then suddenly he went straight into something stumbling back and fell on the ground, he groaned looking up then his breathe got caught in his throat, "oh sorry hyung" Jungkook had went to help Namjoon, but Namjoon looked hesitant, Jungkook looked at him confusingly "hyung?" He has asked, Namjoon then thought, no Jungkook is a sweet and kind boy he would never...Namjoon stood up gulping "I-I'm sorry kookie um.." he said looking around avoiding eye contact, Jungkook looked at him worryingly "hyung? Are you alright?" Namjoon looked at Jungkook seeing that innocent boy he used to know, Namjoon then thought how stupid he was for thinking such things, "u-um yeah yeah just.." jungkook put a hand on his shoulder he flinched "hyung...I'm sorry for what happened last week I never wanted to make you feel uncomfortable..." Jungkook said looking down guilt on his face, Namjoon then realized he was really thinking to much and then he smiled "oh..it's ok kookie you were just in the moment and I could never think how much suffering you went through, but I'm sorry for not liking you back, really" Namjoon really felt guilty but he couldn't do anything.

Jungkook smirked still looking down "it's ok hyung...but" he stopped smirking looking up at Namjoon "what..what if I could make you fall for me?" Namjoon put on a apologetic smile "I'm sorry kookie but I don't really think.." Jungkook frowned suddenly pushing Namjoon to wall "no is not an answer hyung,I tried to be nice but no you wouldn't like me back how tragic, anyways you're mine" he then roughly pushed his lips against Namjoon, Namjoon gasped instantly moving every single bone in his body to get out, Jungkook growled "stop it" Namjoon almost had a heart attack from the way Jungkooks voice changed. "J-Jungkook please!" Namjoon tried to sound scary but it came out as he was scared. Jungkook bit his lip taking his hand and smashing it on the wall, Namjoon shook his head having his other hand trying to push Jungkook away. Jungkook bit his lip harder having him moan in pain then a tongue invaded his mouth.

Namjoon hopes the others will be here soon Jungkooks to strong. Jungkook traces his hand down to Namjoons chest pinching his nipples over the clothes. Namjoon jumped a tiny moan escaped him, but he was really freaking out here.

Jungkook was expertly making a murder scene in his mouth then detached looking at Namjoon hungrily, "ha-ah Ju-Jungkook please no" Namjoon looked at him with hopeful eyes, Jungkook only smiled giving a bloody bite to his shoulder and he screamed.

Jungkook licked it but the deed was done, a very nice and purple hickey was forming making Jungkook more possessive, "you're mine no one can take you from me hyung" Jungkook proceeds to go for his pants and Namjoon panicked more that was until they heard the door open, Namjoon opened his mouth to scream but Jungkook covered his mouth forcibly dragging Namjoon to his room.

Namjoon was pushed on the bed then Jungkook went with him "when the members come in here you tell them we were just cuddling got it?" Namjoon looked at him with big scared eyes but defeatingly nodded, Jungkook smiled holding Namjoons waist.

Jin can into the room looking for them both to ask if they were hungry, then he looked at the adorable scene in front of him "awww you two were cuddling when we were out?" "Yeah hyung!" Namjoon nodded but Jin thought he was just tired, " you know Namjoon you should try to cuddle with us more like you are with Jungkook~" "It's because I'm special!" "Aish shut it you" Jin chuckled "well we brought take out come any time" then he left, making Namjoon have tears rolling down his cheeks, Jungkook faked worried bringing him to his chest "aww hyung its ok there will be enough food for everyone"he said holding him tighter Namjoon only cried more.


966 words this story gonna be lit 🤪🤘🏼 🔥

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