Grey tears

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It was dark. Pretty dark. Namjoon shivered then looked at the door, he sighed, what the fuck, everything was too crazy right now, too much for his genius brain to process.

The door opened to reveal the one and only Taehyung. Namjoon looked away cuddling into his self more. Ever since the indecent Taehyung had ditched Jungkook and taken him hostage, he supposed it was better then being in hostage with Jungkook.

Taehyung walked up and sat on the bed smiling, "joonie look what I brought~" he held up a Ryan bear, Namjoon looked feeling a little calmer but stopped the light hearted feeling and looked away again ignoring Taehyungs presence. Taehyung looked at Namjoon surprisingly but started to get mad clicking his tongue, "joonie don't do this, I wanna make you happy" he said pouting, Namjoon frowned more shaking a bit, Taehyung bit his lip then came closer to Namjoon, the other quietly gasped from the sudden movement and scooted back, Taehyung stopped then took Namjoons hand, Namjoon looked at Taehyung, Taehyung looked back, "see I'm not going to hurt you baby" Namjoon didn't know what to feel, Taehyung was a sweet guy so mysterious and perfect in every way, his voice pulling you into deep slumber, his movements were unpredictable sometimes he was lovely, but on the other hand he had killed Hoseok in front of him, friend and brother from seven years, yes he was unpredictable that's for sure. Namjoon looked closely at Taehyungs sharp eyes filled with dark obsessiveness, his eyes dark chocolate brown. Taehyung hummed the sound vibrating into Namjoons soul. Taehyung cupped Namjoons cheek tenderly grabbing his hand the Ryan bear thrown on the floor.

"You're pretty you know that?" Namjoon blushed a little, this is exactly what he was talking about, so kind but deadly. Namjoon looked down feeling him self get nervous playing with the soft blanket. Taehyung huffed pulling Namjoons chin up to look at him again, "please don't look away from me," Namjoon gulped closing his eyes tightly, Taehyung sighed. Then Namjoon felt himself being lied down.

Taehyung patted Namjoons hair feeling the soft strands on his fingers, he kissed the top of Namjoons head pulling him close to his body.

Namjoon held in his breath as Taehyung held his head gently in his arms. Namjoon tried to get out of the suffocating hold Taehyung only held him tighter. "Namjoonie, sweet joonie, I love you" Namjoon put his hands on Taehyungs chest trying to push him, Taehyung snuggled him deeper, "joonie you're so wonderful, so magical and pretty, so great for us, so perfect" then Taehyung trailed his hand to Namjoons collarbone, Namjoon panicked hitting the younger, Taehyung let go and Namjoon pulled back breathing hard, Taehyung only smiled getting up. Namjoon watched him thinking he was going out to do something but was surprised when he roughly got on top of him. Taehyung took Namjoons hands taking them near his chest, Namjoon held in his breath.

"Namjoon.." Taehyung suddenly said darkly his whole form taking in a dark presence in the slightly dark room.

Namjoon looked the other way clenching his jaw, he will not cry. Taehyung looked a little surprised going down near Namjoons face, "joonie? Why are you close to crying?" He asked like he was genuinely worried, like he did when he was his friend, brother, it held so much tender and love, Namjoon looked Taehyung in the eyes.

"I'm close to crying because of you" he spat out venomously. Taehyung looked offended, "me? Me? All I did for you was take of you and help you when you needed it, I took care of food, shelter, entertainment, and bathroom needs, and you're saying I'm bad??" Taehyung gripped Namjoons hands making the other flinch of the hardness. Namjoon scoffed, "you took me hostage! And forced me to do these things! You killed Hoseok!! You-" Namjoon choked up a sob now crying, remembering what the hell happened, Namjoon looked away again, Taehyung sighed laying next to Namjoon pulling him to his chest.

Namjoon didn't want to be in they crazy mans how and kept trying to push away.

Namjoon was tired of his childish acts and got tired, Taehyung then hummed a song wanting to put him asleep, Namjoon took silent cries gripping onto Taehyungs shirt mad and sad, he closed his eyes the humming of the song sounding familiar, he then realized Taehyung was humming 4 o'clock, what a peaceful song he and Taehyung sang together, he shut his eyes singing the tune in his mind.

Taehyung looked down at his precious hyung, he smiled, he looked really peaceful when he was sleeping, Taehyung comb Namjoons hair with his hands, Taehyung thought of the events that happened a few days ago, he did feel bad of killing Hoseok....but it needed to be done..right? He shook his head lightly staring at nothing, wondering about how far love can go, he guessed too much, he laughed lightly here he was taking Namjoon hostage because he loved him, what was wrong with him? Did he really kill Hoseok? No he's alive he's sure, Taehyung sniffed a single tear going down his soft cheek, he snuggled closer to Namjoon seeking comfort into the warmth.


Shit shit shit.

Jungkook cursed in his head, Luckily enough he escaped from the cops before they could get to him.

Stupid Taehyung, taken Namjoon away from him. He was so fucking close, Namjoon was about to choose him.

Jungkook cursed loudly hitting the tree, his knuckles turning red. He clenched his jaw looking at the gray sky his vision turned red. He was pissed. Jungkook thought where Taehyung would runaway to with Namjoon.

Jungkook smirked, oh he'll catch his little bitch, and then kill Taehyung.



Hi uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh long time no see? 🥴 sorry for no namkook I love Taejoon a lot
😔👉👈 But I can assure you more chapters to coME!

Hehehheafufyov wougfyowgoyw ok thank you bye also why is the font changed? Dam u emoJISSS

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