Birthday bash

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Hoseok walked through the dark hallway with a cupcake in hand, it was about to be Namjoons birthday in a few minutes and he was excited to be the first one to say happy birthday to him.

He walked through the quiet hallway stopping at Namjoons door, he slowly pushed open the door and wow it was really dark, he was about to go in but he saw a silhouette on top of the bed. Did someone already say happy birthday to him? Dam Hoseok took a inch closer then he heard some very strange noises. He froze, what the hell? "Mhh Jungkook stop-" Hoseok widen his eyes, that was Namjoon, were they?.... Hoseok blushed, no way, he saw the silhouette go further in the bed, Hoseok heart beat fast and he shut the door quickly running away.


Hoseok didn't say anything he probably thought they didn't want their secret exposed.

Everyone was at the table except Yoongi and Namjoon of course, Jin was explaining the plan for Namjoons birthday today, he wasn't paying attention though, to focused on what went down when he went to Namjoons bedroom.

Jin looked at Hoseok seeing him spaced out, "hobi? Are you listening?" Hoseok head suddenly went up and he smiled nodding "yes of course!" Jimin put his hand on his mouth, "shush! You'll wake Namjoon!" He whispered yell, Hoseok gave an apologetic smile then caught Jungkook staring at him weirdly, he looked the other way.

"Anyways" Jin said looking at all of them, "Namjoon doesn't want a big surprise party from past experiences so we will do something simple as always, but with a twist" everyone piped up interested, Jin continued "the twist being bringing a crab and koala here!" One beat of silence then it went to chaos. "Hyung you idiot! We can't do that!" "We are millionaires! Who said we couldn't?" Jimin gave a pause, then he backed down, Taehyung was excited, "who's going to bring it?!" "A profesional animal caretaker of course" Jin smiled looking at the time, "they should be coming here near night time, so let's get this mini party started" Taehyung frowned, "what about Yoongi hyung?" It was quiet, Jungkook was trying to hold in his glare, Jin thought for a moment, "maybe he had noticed how ridiculous he was" Jin looked at Hoseok, "Hoseok go get him he has a soft spot for you" "doesn't he have a soft spot for everyone?" "Just do it" Hoseok smiled skipping though the hallway going to Yoongi.


Hoseok looked at the door where they put Yoongi in, he opened it and was surprised to see Yoongi in there still, "you done with your tantrum?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi turned around looking crazy, Hoseok was shocked, "woah hyung are you ok?" Hoseok went to him, Yoongi shook his head, "you're making Namjoon unsafe, Hoseok please believe me, Jungkook wants to hurt Namjoon!" Hoseok frowned.  "You know Jungkook would never do that, why are you saying that?" Yoongi put his hands on Hoseoks shoulder, Hoseok shook looking Yoongi in the eye, "please..." Hoseok felt pity, Hoseok shook his head, "hyung stop, we have been living together we know enough that none of us will ever hurt each other" Yoongi got angry tsking backing away from Hoseok, "He's got all of you on his hand, You're going to be to late, he'll take Namjoon! Take him away far away! He's gonna kill all of us first!" Hoseok was mad and shocked, how could he say such a thing? "Yoongi! That's ridiculous! And not ok! Don't come near us during this birthday party!" Hoseok walked out, Yoongi was frustrated.

Dam you Jungkook.


After the news everyone went to a different floor decorating the big floor as a birthday place. Crabbed theme of course.

"Ok" Jin announced, "some of you stay down here I'll go up stairs to make breakfast" he went up with Jimin and Taehyung leaving Jungkook and Hoseok.

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