Dead end

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Warning: lots of profanity


A chuckle was heard.



Jungkook was in the police station, he was lucky enough that they didn't think he was the bad guy, so he went to report that his dear friend was missing and that his ex friend took him as he saw it all with his eyes, he was fast enough to edit the footage, he was so lucky he was good at everything.

The police officer looked at the reports, "so he killed one of your dear friends, injured three others and took the other friend?-" "Namjoon" he stated, "huh?" The police officer questioned,"his name was Namjoon taken by Taehyung, we are a popular band after all, so it wouldn't be hard to catch those faces." The police officer nodded writing something down, "ok sir, we'll be having a big search party for the suspect, goodbye for now" Jungkook stood up bowing down taking his leave.


Jungkook was taking a walk then spotting a huge crowd, he got curious and walked towards this event.

Then he realized it was hoseoks funeral, he quickly went back hiding behind the tree seeing everyone mourn. Honestly who cares about that loud noise? Everyone should be looking for his perfect angel by now! He got mad, stupid.

He stayed longed enough to see his 'friends' crying on his tombstone, he rolled his eyes, they were talking then saw Jimin leave then Jin talking to Yoongi and the both left before Jin said something leaving also, he snarled.

He went down the hill walking to hoseoks tombstone, he stared down at it looking at all the flowers around it and some of his favorite things around it, he scoffed, better gone than alive, he applaud to Taehyung for doing the deed for him, he was still surprised that his members were still alive though, what the fuck? Fuck them for being alive, FUCK. He just got hit with realization, that ruins everything! he should've ended Yoongi and Jimin right there and then, fuck. He sighed ruffling his hair, then Jin was still alive somehow.

He looked at the tombstone again, pitiful honestly, he crushed the flowers with his foot making sure it was down in the dirt, he kicked the tombstone hard enough to make a crack in hoseoks name, he turned his back flipping off the tombstone, "no one will miss your loud ass in a 100 years" and walked off.


It's been days and no one had found Taehyung or Namjoon, Jungkook was really getting mad, he even searched himself and nothing, where could those bitches be?

Jungkook was in his other apartment, scrolling through Twitter to find them trending, the hashtags saying, 'howcouldhe?' Or 'Taehyungcancelled', 'poorbts', 'findnamjoon' and many others he would rather not look through, he was glad that Army was helping find him, perfect advantage.


Jin couldn't believe it, after all this Jungkook wasn't turned in, he even cut off all of the footage, he got angry, stupid cops!

"What's wrong Jin hyung?" Jimin said softly, Jin didn't look back from his window spot as he scrolled through twitter, he held up his phone letting Jimin see what he was seeing, and to Jimins surprise Jungkook posted something like 'let's find Namjoon together, fighting!' With a picture of him smiling, he got angry too.

"Wha- WHAT?! I thought-" "me too Jimin, but I guess the cops believed him, how are we going to say he actually was the one behind all of this?!" Jimin sat down on the ground groaning.

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