It's cold

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1- "Joonie~!" Sigh.

"Joonie~!" Namjoon looked up as Taehyung was standing right in front of him.

Taehyung squatted down raising his hand to gently touch Namjoons cheek looking deeply into his eyes, the other was startled by the cold hand.

They stayed in this silence, Taehyung breathing a little to close to Namjoon, he could feel it. Taehyung casted his eyes down to look at Namjoons luscious plump lips. He licked his own wanting to kiss them over and over making them pink with his salvia. But he knew not too, it'll make his Joonie uncomfortable, then why was he keeping him hostage? Why was he doing this? Would it be better if he let Namjoon take a walk? Let him go.....outside.

Namjoon was very uncomfortable, Taehyung was just staring at him, it made him look away. He hated this, he hated what happened, he hated Jungkook and now Taehyung, he hated that he didn't tell anyone before, hated that this monster in front of him killed his brother. Namjoon clenched his fists, hate was a very strong word, but it was very true in this situation. "Joonie.." Namjoon didn't look up, Taehyung frowned his heart hurting all of the sudden, " about we take a walk?" "It's hyung to you" he didn't know why we had to address this now but he was upset, Taehyung flinched a little at the tone and took his hand off of Namjoons cheek, "hyung... would you like to go outside for a walk?" Namjoon was surprised, he actually said it. Namjoon then actually processed what he just said, outside? For a walk?

"What?" Taehyung smiled softly, he took Namjoons hand, "we can go outside and take a walk" Namjoon did not want to turn down this opportunity, he can finally escape look for the cops and they'll catch Taehyung! Then he'll be back with his real friends. Namjoon for the first time in a while smiled with his dimples popping out, Taehyung almost had a heart attack blushing at that face, "yes" Namjoon said calmly, Taehyung got excited forgetting everything just to make his Joonie happy!

Taehyung pulled Namjoon up by the feet interlocking their fingers, "then let's go!" Taehyung said pulling Namjoon to his freedom.


It was quite peaceful, it was evening. Namjoon thought the younger was very ignorant for letting him go outside, he knew all the cops had to be searching for him, plus almost half of Seoul.

Taehyung was holding on to him tightly, like he was afraid that Namjoon would let go. Namjoon looked behind trying to spot any kind of human life, he supposed they were not exactly where a lot of people would go, a little deserted, but still some houses and stores around. He frowned, where is everyone? He almost sighed in frustration, he was finally outside for knew how long he'll be out again and now there wasn't anyone around??

Taehyung looked up ahead, empty sidewalk, the sun was going down, he looked at Namjoon, he knew that he wanted to escape him, wanted to see their other friends, he looked cute very focused, he decided he wanted to tease him a little.

"Joonie?" Namjoon looked at Taehyung immediately, "do you want to see our friends?" Namjoon looked at him with amazement his mouth was wide open, smiling, he nodded enthusiastically, he couldn't believe it! He almost cried, "yes! Yes!" He jumped in joy, after all this mess he couldn't wait to see their faces again, their gentle faces, sweet and kind. It was to good to be true! To good to be true...then he heard laughter, Namjoons face immediately fell.

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