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Namjoon silently ate his ice cream looking frantically at Taehyung and Jungkook as they were planning on where to go, he has been chosen to get ice cream for them. He took the three ice creams, struggling, and walked towards them mostly near Taehyung( for personal reasons) and handed the ice cream to Taehyung, he happily took it munching on it quickly. "Thanks hyung!" Namjoon hesitantly looks at Jungkook, he was staring right back, obviously waiting for his ice cream, of course he wasn't Namjoon thought and he put the ice cream in front of him, Jungkook didn't say anything expect look at him, "Jungkook? Your ice cream?" Taehyung said noticing the intense aura. Jungkook took the ice cream from Namjoon having his hand on his hand a little longer then Namjoon would've like and started to munch down too.

"Ok guys we can go this fair? It's really big this year and the rides are more extreme" Jungkook nodded agreeing to the idea and they both looked at Namjoon who was nervous but he couldn't say no to Taehyung, and he nodded along making Taehyung smile cutely as Jungkook smile would've been cute instead behind the smile was something dark and Namjoon didn't really want to think about it.


Namjoon didn't really like fairs, it's to loud to many things happening, he prefers quiet places but after being with 6 loud boys for years he thought he had changed to quiet to loud, development, he mentally clapped to himself.

They arrived surprisingly there wasn't that much people but enough to hide who they were. Taehyung excitedly went ahead, and Namjoon panicked trying to not loose him, that's what he would like to say in his mind but instead he was trying to get away from Jungkook who always looked like he was ready to pounce on him every second.

Jungkook unexpectedly grabbed his hand tightly moving him back, he almost screamed.

"Hyung~ lets not try to get lost yeah?" Jungkook whispered in his ear, he felt like spiders were crawling up his skin and looked forward not finding Taehyung anymore, he gulped.

Namjoon was nervous, it felt like time was moving slow as they were finding Taehyung, or Jungkook could be leading him to his doom, he wished Yoongi was here. It was very hot despite the sun going down and he was being dragged around by the person he thought he knew. Namjoon was happy as they found Taehyung having cotton candy in his hands, beside him he thought he heard Jungkook flicked his tongue as though he didn't want to find Taehyung, like he was actually going to do something, Namjoon shook.

"Tae don't just run around like that we stick together! Let's find a ride" Jungkook sounded impatient. Taehyung had a not so sorry grin and went on Namjoons other side also taking his hand. He could've sworn he felt Jungkook tighten his grip more on his hand, he almost whimpered from the pain.

They stopped at the first ride, that looked pretty safe, Namjoon admits he likes rides like these ones but not really the big rides. Jungkook pulled him forcefully forward. A two seat ride, wow. "Oohh a two seat ride?" Taehyung mumbled then in a second both Taehyung and Jungkook yelled at the same time "I call riding with Namjoon hyung!" Namjoon obviously wanted to ride with Taehyung, but they resolved to rock, paper, scissors.

In he end Taehyung won and he was glad, happy, relived, and Jungkook looked like he was a second from killing Taehyung, but covered it up with a pout and so they went on the ride.


It's been a few rides later and they decided they wanted to save the big extreme ride for last, Namjoon didn't know if he could survive this ride, but he think he will with Taehyung being on his side every time.

Again they played the game, Namjoon almost laughed Taehyung was going to win again. He didn't.

Jungkook cheered looking really excited, Taehyung whined but it wasn't to serious. Namjoon looked at the ride again it went underground, and it looked long, he looked at the seats, two seats, just two, he mentally cried. It looked a little scary too. Taehyung put an arm around him "don't worry Namjoon hyung Jungkook will be right by your side if you're scared as i will not, poor me!" He joked smiling, Namjoon smiled back nodding adding a light chuckle, Jungkook suddenly grabbed at his arm "let's go shall we?" He said a little darkly, Namjoon hoped to get this over with.

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