Cant escape from me

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Namjoon woke up not seeing Yoongi. He sat up looking around to see if Jungkook was anywhere around him, he was very paranoid, ha.

Namjoon stood up quickly and ran to the door and opening it. He peaked out looking to the left and right of the hallway, why was it so dark? Didn't the people who made hallways know you could get harassed in the hallway? Namjoon shook his head, then he smelled breakfast, thank goodness and very quickly ran to the light not looking behind him, not to his surprise or anybody's he tripped face down almost making it to the kitchen, he groaned.

Some one patted his back "hyung you better be careful running" that sounded familiar. As he lifted his head up, to his horror, it was Jungkook, he swiftly jumped back wide eyes and shakily breathing and he stood up running to the kitchen. Jungkook watched him, looking a little down. "I'll get you joonie~ and that little cute butt~" and went the same direction.

Namjoon huffed getting into the kitchen sitting next to Yoongi, everyone looked at him weirdly, except Yoongi, he looked a tiny bit worried hiding it of course.

"Hey why did you run hyung?" Jimin asked, "Yeah! Don't run! You'll just hurt yourself" Jin scolded, Namjoon looked to see Jungkook coming in and coming to him, he was confused, he looked to his side and was shocked to see that the seat was empty, if he asked to switch now he'll seem rude, god dammit.

"Ah sorry I was exited for your cooking" Namjoon halved lie, Jins cooking was very good. He stiffened as Jungkook sat to close to him, Yoongi almost glared seeing the situation and sneakily put his arm around Namjoons waist pulling him a little closer, Jimin and Hoseok noticed this not saying anything. Jin smiled "thank you at least someone appreciates my cooking" "I do I do!" Taehyung shouted raising his hand up, Jin chuckled going back to finishing the last parts.

Not gonna lie Namjoon was very uncomfortable but tried to not seem uncomfortable. As they spoke and laughed Jungkook would purposely touch his shoulder and thigh, then Jin came to the table breakfast looking exquisite.

"Anyways im going to the movies anyone wanna come?" Jin asked Jimin nodded, "what movie is it?" Hoseok asked, "it's the spider mans far away from home one, heard it was good" "of course it's good, all the movie are always good" Hoseok said. "Ok so you and Hoseok" both Jimin and Hoseok nodded, "ok get ready we are leaving in 20 minutes," the both ran to their rooms, Jin shook his head "what is it with everyone running?" And went to his room to get ready, leaving Taehyung, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi to the table.

"Hey Namjoon-hyung wanna play with me today?" Taehyung asked looking at him, Yoongi looked at Taehyung suspiciously, Namjoon nodded "Yeah what do you wanna do?" "Oh we'll figure it out when we are outside" and grabbed Namjoons hand dragging him go the room, "ah Taehyung" and they were gone.

It was quiet at the table, Yoongi stared at Jungkook very angrily, Jungkook stared back smiling. "You know hyung, you won't be able to protect Namjoon forever" Yoongi tsked, "I'll make sure you'll be in jail," he tried to calm himself, Jungkook looked around smiling still and back to Yoongi, "ill make sure you won't be here anymore" Yoongi fidgeting telling him to stay calm, "what's that suppose to fucking mean?" Jungkook giggled, "it means you won't be able to experience me fucking into Namjoon and taking him away" Yoongi saw red as he grabbed Jungkook by the collar and pinning him to the ground went to punch him, till Jungkook stopped his hand, "what would the media say?" "Fuck the media" and Yoongi landed a hard punch, and another he was pulled off of Jungkook, "Yoongi what the fuck?!" Jin said as he helped a crying Jungkook up, "what.." Yoongi tried to get out of Hoseoks grip, "no-it's not-" "y-Yoongi hyung? W-why would you do this?" Jungkook sobbed holding onto Jin, Yoongi glared at him "no! Jungkooks lying! He-" "Yoongi calm down for a second, why would you do this? Do you know how the media would react? The fans? What are we supposed to say? And more importantly why would you hit your brother?" Jin asked calmly, Yoongi glared more as Jungkook faked cried more. "Jungkook! He is trying to harass Namjoon!" They all looked at him crazy, "Namjoon hyung? Why though?" Jimin asked confused, "that's ridiculous" Jin said, " why would I do that? Namjoon hyung is very special to me I love him very much, I would never" Jungkook softly cried out, Yoongi shocked and angry "more like you tried to rape him last night!" "Yoongi stop!" Jin yelled. Jin sighed patting Jungkooks back, "Yoongi you need to stay away from us for a while, and go somewhere else," "no! You can't!" Jin gave Hoseok and Jimin the look and the both he took him to the extra room away far away from everyone else, "you better not come anywhere near us or I wouldn't hesitate to call security" Yoongi tried to yell, his voice soft but you can hear how angry he was. Jin sighed looking at Jungkook and lifting his head up, "you ok?" Jungkook nodded "yeah hyung, I still can't believe he would say that.." Jin nodded, dragging Jungkook to the kitchen to get a ice pack, "me either Jungkook," Jin gave the ice pack to Jungkook. "Hey what was that all about?" Taehyung popped in with Namjoon, Jin sighed, "apparently Yoongi had punched Jungkook claiming that he harassed Namjoon or something, isn't that ridiculous?" Taehyung nodded, Namjoon didn't say anything as Jungkook looked at him deeply, he shook looking the other way, "wow you ok kook?" Taehyung asked gong closer, Jungkook nodded holding the ice pack to his face, "Yeah his punches weren't to strong" he laughed, Namjoon gulped, Jin looked at him very confused, he was about to ask him something when Jimin and Hoseok came crashing in all messy, "he was like a cat hyung! scratching and biting!" Hoseok said exhausted, Jimin nodded, Jin looks at them worried "in generally concerned about him.." "let's just get to the movies to forget this" Jimin said, Jin nodded looking back at Jungkook then at Namjoon. "Ok well we are out, call security if Yoongi gets to close to Jungkook or looks like he's about to hit any of you, and call us" Jin said as Hoseok and Jimin followed him out, "hope you feel better kookie" Jimin said waking out, "feel better!" Hoseok said running to catch up.

It was a little silent for a moment, "so you guys wanna go out? I think we should get out to leave Yoongi hyung alone Incase he tries to attack you again" Taehyung said pointing to Jungkook. Namjoon hesitantly nodded, getting a bad gut feeling in us stomach, Jungkook also nodded "Yeah let's go!" "Ok!" Taehyung happily said, Jungkook ran to his room to get ready, Taehyung looked at Namjoon, he looked nervous. "Hey you ok hyung?" Taehyung asked putting his hand on his shoulder, Namjoon nodded, Taehyung put on a worried look "um about last time when you were crying, why were you crying?" Namjoon froze biting the inside of his cheek. Taehyung looked at him tilting his head a little, "hyung?" Namjoon was about to say something till Jungkook came out. "I'm ready! Let's go!" Taehyung looked at Namjoon, and went to the door, "ok lets go"


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is it gonna get more hot in the next chapter? Who knows

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