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I walked back over to my own house and walked straight to the kitchen. I grabbed all of the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies.
"Kawaii~Chan, Zane's at the door for you." (Btw, for some reason every time I write Kawaii, it autocorrects to lawsuit...) I nodded and ran over to the door.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I questioned.
"The same thing you did when you finished unpacking, visiting the one person I lo- you. To come visit... you."
I rolled my eyes, and grabbed his hand. I lead him upstairs to my room and we sat on my bed.
I was hesitant of asking this question in worry that I would get an answer I didn't want.
"Zane, do you uhh- lo- well- do you-" Why can't I just get the damn sentence out?!
"I know what you're going to ask." He interrupted.
I nodded, "You do?"
"Yes, and the answer is," He placed his hand on my leg. I struggled to breathe. What would his answer be? Did he love me?! What if I was just a big joke to him?!
"Yes." I looked up and gazed into his eye(s, I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY)
He grabbed my chin and pulled my face closer to his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and latched my lips to his.
We came apart. I cupped my hand to his cheek.
"C-Can I-I, um-" I grabbed his hair that covered his eye. He pushed my hand away.
"I-I'm sorry." I muttered. I looked down at the floor.
"Nana." I looked back up at him. I tilted my head, insinuating that he could continue.
"Why did you want to see my bad eye?" He asked.
"I just, I wanted to see what it looked like..." I mumbled for a reply.
He lifted up his hair, revealing his pale blue eye.
"Don't say anything about it. I'm ashamed of it." I caressed his cheek gently. I made a zipping motion of my lips, insinuating that I would say nothing about it.
I removed my hand from his hair and looked to the corner of the room.
"Hm?" I looked back at him, trancing back from my daze.
"Do you, appearance wise, have anything that you're ashamed?" He asked.
I bit my nails, looking away.
"Nana? I'm sorry, if you don't want to talk about it-"
"No, no, it's just that- I can't think of anything..."
It's not that I can't think of anything because I'm very confident about my looks, but the opposite... too many things.
"Zane, I would have to say... most everything." I commented.
His eyes widened, "you're ashamed of... everything?"
I questioningly nodded.
"How? You're beautiful." I blushed.
"Thank you... but, no matter how many compliments I get, I still cannot see it myself. You know? I could get a thousand compliments everyday, and still when I look into the mirror, I'll never see what everybody else sees." He pulled me closer to him.
"...Nana. Tell me just one thing you like about your appearance." I sat up so that my face could be leveled with his.
"Zane, you don't understand-" We were so close that I could feel his warm breath trace onto my cheek. It was... comforting.
He placed his finger to lips, for me to stop talking.
I tried to think, what is something that I like about myself? Just one thing! That's all.
My- no, my- no, oh yeah! My- wait, never mind.
"The color of my eyes...?" He kissed me slowly and gently, placing a piece of hair behind my ear.
"You do have beautiful eyes."
I giggled, "so do you."
I rested my forehead to his. We gazed into each other's eyes, his piercing blue. I pecked his lips and giggled.
"Can you stay over tonight?"

A Love Like No Other {Zane~Chan} Where stories live. Discover now