The One Where Everybody Finds Out (pt.2)

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First of all, thank you so, so much for 1k views!🥰
Edit: So I changed the video at the top to when Joey found out about Chandler and Monica because I thought it fit better!

I woke from feeling the bed move. I looked to the opposite side of the bed and saw Zane uncovering himself from the blankets and standing up.
"Zane?" I muttered quietly. He turned and looked at me. His mask wasn't in sight until I glanced over to the night stand next to where he was sleeping.
"Nana? Nana, you can get back to sleep, I just need to her back to my house to-" I stretched my arm across of the mattress, reaching for his hand.
He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm. I giggled and smiled. I sat up, since I'm up so early, might as well stay up.
"So... why are you going back home so early in the morning?" I questioned.
"I need to get back to work, Nana." He replied. I rolled my eyes.
"We got back yesterday, you can't just spend one day relaxing with your girlfriend?" I joked. He walked over to me and leaned in for a kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down onto the bed with me.
"Nana, we spent all sum-" I shushed him.
"I love you." I mumbled.
"I love you, too, but-"
"You said it! You said it! You said it!" His face became confused.
"I said what...?"
"You said 'I love you'! Oh my Irene! You said it!" I nuzzled my face to his.
He pulled away and stood up. "Just... let me call in..."
I smiled at him, motioning for him to come over to me. He walked over and I kneeled on the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissed his lips. Then I waved that he could go call his work.
I reached over to my phone, which was charging in the nightstand closer to me. On the lock screen I saw a text from Aphmau.
That read, 'Hey! Tomorrow I thought that it'd be fun to have just a little hangout! How about at four? Does that sound good? K, bye!! (Yesterday 11:34 p.m.)
I quickly responded, agreeing to the plans. When Zane came back into the room I told him about it, too.
I patted the spot next to me, inviting him to sit with me.
As he sat down rested my head upon his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I looked back up at him; I leaned up to kiss him as his mask laid across the nightstand.
"Z-Zane... c-can..." No, Nana, do not ask him that question!
"W-We b-be-" Why can't I stop myself?! "Official?!" I got out in a breath.
He wasn't speaking. This is it, I just blew it!
"Nana, well..."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from! You can take your time, I just- I just..." He placed two fingers underneath my chin. He pulled me closer and latched our lips to one another.
We came apart after a minute or so.
I gazed into his eye. The blue piercing back into mine.
"...Yes." He replied. I couldn't help but just smile. I kissed him more all over his face, before landing onto his lips...
Eleven hours later...
We arrived to Aphmau and Aaron's house. I rang the doorbell multiple times before somebody opened the door.
"Oh, hey, Kawaii~Chan and Zane!" Aphmau greeted.
"Hey Aphmau~Sama!" I replied.
We walked inside, where she motioned for us to sit on the couch. But she walked over to the kitchen.
"I'm gonna go tell Aphmau something." I stood up and kissed Zane on the cheek.
I then walked over to Aphmau in the kitchen. Where she was cooking the food the Aaron had prepared.
"Hey, Aphmau!" I said with a wave.
"Oh, hey, Kawaii~Chan!" She waved back.
"So, I have something important to tell you..." I started.
"What is it?!" She exclaimed, excitedly.
"Zane and I are... umm... how do I put it?"
"Just say it! Tu estas siendo molesta!" She exclaimed.
She squealed so loud that Zane ran over, worried.
"What happened?!" He exclaimed.
"My ship!!!" Aphmau yelled, waving her hands around in the air.
Zane looked down at the ground, then up at me, looking kind of pathetic.
Then another knock at the door came. Thank goodness!
Aphmau ran over to the door and giddily opened it up. I didn't see who it was but I could their voices. Well... and the fact that Aphmau exclaimed their names, or ship name, I should say.
"Hi, Travlyn!" She exclaimed.
"Hey, Aph, and please stop calling us that." I heard Katelyn reply.
"Why? It's quicker than saying Travis and Katelyn, or vice versa and such!"
"It's fine, right babe?" Travis asked Katelyn.
Katelyn's voice was muffled, I could only imagine that she was covering her face with her sleeve or such, "Y-yeah..."
They all walked into the kitchen. Travis had his arm wrapped around Katelyn's waist and Aphmau followed behind them.
Over time more people from the street began showing up.
"Alright, everyone go sit in the living room. A game is to be played!" Aphmau announced too loud.
Everybody walked over to the living room and sat around on the couch and chairs.
I grabbed Zane's arm as he was walking over and pulled him back towards me.
"Zane," I began in a whisper, "since Dante doesn't know that we're dating, why don't we not say anything and just be hinting that we're dating in actions." I said.
He agreed and we walked over to the living room. There wasn't enough seating for everybody, and if we weren't trying to make it seem like we're not dating, I would just sit on his lap, but so it's not obvious, I sat on the arm of a chair while Zane sat in the actual chair. He grabbed my hand that was farther from him so that I wouldn't fall off of the chair, and we would be holding hands.
"Okay! We will be playing Never Have I Ever, but the original version that includes taking shots of you have done it! Because we're adults here." Aphmau exclaimed.
"I'll go first!" she added.
Zane and I's fingers intertwined and I lifted our hands up and rested them on my lap. I looked back at him and we both smiled at each other.
"Never have I ever had a shipping shrine!"
I glared at her and took a shot.
I saw Dante glance over at me, then looked over again when he saw how Zane and I were holding hands.
"Who wants to go next?" Aphmau asked.
"I'll go." Laurence volunteered.
"Never have I ever, this'll get a lot of people out, publicly had a relationship with anybody in this group." (*cough* this relates to another one of my fanfics *cough*)
Aphmau, Aaron, Katelyn, and Travis all immediately took shots. But Zane and I were very hesitant to. First I did, then Zane.
"Zane, who did you date in this group?" Dante questioned.
Zane and I made eye contact, then both pointed towards me.
"What- since- how-"
"Tell us when you finally get that sentence out." Zane commented.
Now, I didn't have to uncomfortably sit on the arm of the chair and squiggled my way into the actual chair and onto Zane's lap. I rested my arm around his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
The rest of the game went fine and calm, with everyone just joking... and drinking...

A Love Like No Other {Zane~Chan} Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin