Not Everybody I Guess

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My hands brushed through Zane's jet black hair as his were gripping my hips.
Our lips continuously interlocked. As time went on he moved down to my neck.
"Z-Zane~" I muttered. My hands gripped his shirt, most likely wrinkling it.
"I love you, Zane. Oh my Irene!" I moaned again.
But, this was all interrupted by the doorbell going off.
"Fu- I should get that." He complained lifting me off of his lap.
"Can't Garroth or Laurence get it? We're... busy." I whined.
"Garroth and Laurence both aren't home. So I have to get it." He replied.
I grabbed his arm, "can't we just ignore whoever it is? They can come back another time."
He shook his head and grabbed my hand.
"Let's go down to the door together. Then, we can get right back up here and continue what we were doing. Sound good?"
I nodded.
He lead me downstairs to the front door. I stood behind him with an annoyed expression and my arms crossed.
He opened the door and I realized, there was somebody other than my family who didn't know about Zane and I.
"Oh- hi, Vylad. I wasn't expecting you." Zane said, surprised.
"Yeah, well, I thought I'd just drop by to see my brothers, and Laurence since he lives with you two- oh," He then noticed me standing behind Zane. The original annoyed expression that I was making shifted into a shocked one.
"Hey, Kawaii~Chan. I wouldn't expect to see you here." He continued.
"Oh, well m- Kawaii~Chan and Zane~Kun were just hanging out!" I lied, well it's not a complete lie, we technically were hanging out... and making out.
"Okay. Is it alright if I come in, I wanted to talk to you?" Vylad asked.
Zane looked back at me, "sure."
Vylad walked in and sat on the couch, followed by Zane.
"I should probably go now, I'll leave you two brothers to do brother things..." I grabbed my phone and opened the door.
"No, Na-Waii~Chan, you should stay. Like I said before." Zane replied, I remembered how he told that after we can get back to what we were doing.
"Fine, I'm just going to check if you have any cupcakes leftover." Wait- I'm just going to pretend that I didn't just talk in first person.
I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes! Found them!
I grabbed the plate, that was actually mine that I had just brought over for the cupcakes.
"So, mom told me that you had a girlfriend. She never answered whenever I asked who it was. So, who's-who's your girlfriend?" Vylad asked.
I looked up at them. Then... I dropped the plate. It shattered onto the ground.
"Nana, are you okay?" Zane said, as if it were an instinct. I froze.
"I'm fine, I just... slipped." I walked over to get the broom from the closet.
"Here, let me help you." Zane walked over and grabbed the broom from me.
I picked up the cupcakes and Zane swept up the glass from the plate.
"Thanks, Zane." I muttered. I moved hair behind my shoulder.
I noticed Vylad glance at my neck. I immediately moved my hair back, covering my neck.
"Hey, this might just sound really out there, but is Kawaii~Chan your girlfriend?" Vylad continued to ask.
I smiled. "Yeah..." Zane answered.
"Oh. Well guess that answers what I was going to ask you. I should probably go now, bye." Vylad replied as he walked out of the door.
"So, Zane, what if we just cleaned everything up later and got back to what we were doing before?" I commented.
He looked up at me and stood up. He picked me up bridal style and brought me up to his room.
"I love you, Zane." I muttered.
"I love you, too." He replied and began kissing my neck again.

A Love Like No Other {Zane~Chan} Where stories live. Discover now