You want me to do what?

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Bruce POV

I was having a nice chat with Selena when Gorden and a small group of people show up. "We need your help Bruce."

"Why what's happened?" I ask in concern. In reply Gorden turns in the tv to reveal Jerome.

"Don't you know it's rude to keep a person waiting? My trigger finger is getting itchy. Bring me my hostages Jim."

"The hostages he wants is his brother and you."

"What don't make me laugh. Absolutely no bloody way." Alfred replied.

"I don't like it either but Bruce you have to trust me. I've got a plan."

"You know what? I don't think your taking me seriously. Enny meni Miny moe one of these peoples got to go." With that Jerome hits a trigger and the bishops head is blown off.

"Do you see what just happened? That man is a raving lunatic he can't be trusted." Alfred states.

"For once I agree with Alfred." Harvey says.

"Only you can prevent more deaths." Gorden pleads.

"What's the plan?" I reply.

"Jerome is using a dead man's trigger using radio waves. You get this decivce close enough and he won't be able to activate the bombs."

"So I wear this, get close to Jerome."

"That will give us time to get the snipers in position to take out firefly, Jerome and the others."

"What are we waiting for we have people to save." I replied.

Jeremiah POV

Soon Bruce, Alfred and Jim were standing in my apartment. "I know why your here. I watch the news. You must be out of your mind if you think that I'm going to be lead like a lamb to the slaughter."

"Your brother does many things but he doesn't bluff. If we ignore his demands there no knowing what he will do." Jim replied.

"We can block his transmission with this. If you and Bruce can get close enough it will disable his remote. Our snipers can take it from there. He will be a sitting duck."

At this, I scoffed. "You've got to know what he wants. To murder us both on live television."

"Mr Valeksa. I'm Bruce Wayne. It's nice to meet you:"

"Likewise. I only wish it was under better circumstances." I reply with a sigh as I shake his hand.

A young boy tugs on my pant sleeve. "What's that?" He asks pointing towards my generator.

"It's a power generator."

"How much power?"

"Enough to light up all the buildings on the south side."

"You have a brilliant mind. I can only hope that we can rid the world of your brother so that you can live without fear. I understand if you don't want to help us."

"I trust that Gorden won't let any harm come to me. But even if it does maybe by standing up to Jerome I can show Gotham that standing up to terror is the only way to take its power away."

"Oh and there is the matter of  the other two hostages Jerome has taken. Your friend Quinn and a little girl. Jerome will kill them if we don't show."

"What little girl?" I replied suddenly filled with concern. I knew that Jerome would never hurt Quinn but who was this child they were talking about?

Gorden flipped on the tv to reveal Jerome holding a struggling Quinn."Come on out, don't be shy. Come say hello to the cameras." A few seconds later, a small little girl was sitting next to Quinn. As I looked closer at the image I felt the wind being sucked out of me and I suddenly felt quite faint.

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