Chapter 8 : Dinner

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Chapter 8 : Dinner

“What the hell are you wearing?” Anthony asked, as soon as I walked out of the bathroom. He was in a suit, looking handsome as always. I looked down at my own attire. I was in baggy jeans, a white t-shirt, and looked like Frank.


“Go get changed, Franchesca. I’m taking you fine dining. Wear a dress.” My breathing stopped short. A dress?

“I-I don’t own a dress.” His eyes widened.

“You’re a girl, correct?” I nodded. “Then why don’t you have a dress? I though girls always loved dresses.”

“I don’t. I’m different that way. Maybe that’s why I never got asked out on a date.” I sat down on the bed, my head in my hands. Anthony sat down next to me. I don’t know why I did it, but it looks like when I’m with Anthony, I pour out all my worries. He, on the other hand, just sits with me. Like he was right then, rubbing my back. He really was my bestest friend ever.

“Don’t worry,” He said. “Today’s gonna be your day. It’s your birthday, and nothing is going to stop you from having fun. Now let’s go. We gotta stop by the mall to buy you a dress.” I looked up at him and gave him a face that said ‘Seriously?’. He just raised an eyebrow at me, and I ended up agreeing. Damn the things this boy does to me.

“Will you come out already?!” I heard Anthony yell from over the curtain. We were in the ladies changing room in one of the department stores that Anthony had dragged me too, and he was sitting on the couch with his arms spread out on the backs, ignoring the looks he got from the girls who walked in. Regardless if it was one of lust, desire, or sheer disgust.

“I don’t want to! I look ridiculous!” I was wearing a spaghetti strap dress, that something like a corset (since it connected at my back like one) that fanned out into a full length skirt once it reached the end of my chest. It was all black, and wasn’t really that girly, but, nevertheless, it was still a dress.

“Come on, Chesca! Lemme see!”

“Chesca?” No one had ever called me ‘Chesca’ before...

“Yeah, well, Franchesca is three syllables; too tiring.”

“Says the one who has all AP classes.” Anthony was a miracle. He’s able to be in all the AP classes, well as I, am having to need a tutor. Even though I graduated like what, second in my class last year? I was in the bottom at Connor Stanley. Apparently, everyone in school has both brains and looks. Damn.

“You know what? I can’t take this anymore!” I heard footsteps come nearer, and suddenly, the curtain flew open, and Anthony stared. As in, really stared. “Damn, woman. You look hot. If I didn’t know any better, I would be asking you out on a date!” I blushed. “Aw, come on. It’s what best friends do; compliment and shit,” He chuckled and hugged me. “Take that dress off so we can pay for it. Then we’ll come back in so you can change.” He backed out of the cubicle, and drew the curtain behind him.

As soon as I started drawing my mother’s credit card out of my wallet, I saw Anthony whip his out and give it to the lady at the cashier.

“No!” I practically yelled, squatting his hand away. “I’m paying; my dress.” No way was I going to let him buy me a dress that cost two hundred dollars! I couldn’t do that to him, but I wouldn’t give a shit if I used my card to buy a boat. I actually almost did. Once.

“Birthday present. All part of the birthday present.” He simply said. I shook my head and handed over my AMEX. Anthony, unfortunately for him, dropped his card when I squatted his hand, so when he bent down to retrieve it, it was already too late: the lady swiped my card. I smirked at him in triumph, while he shoved his card back into his wallet angrily. Who knew he hated losing? When the transaction was completed, Anthony turned to the lady. “Listen, my best friend here needs to change her clothes, mind if we do that in the changing room?”

“Sorry, sir. No can do. It’s policy.” The lady, no younger that twenty, seemed to be saying this sadly. Why? I had no idea. Until I saw her checking out Anthony’s body.

“Please?” Anthony gave her a smile that would make half of America’s population collapse. Fortunately, the lady was part of the half.

“Yes, yes, of course. I’m sure I can make an exception for you.” She batted her eye lashes at him. I wanted to gag.

“Thank you.” Anthony’s arm snaked around my waist and he gently pulled me over to the changing room once more. But I didn’t miss the lady’s icy glare when he did so. As soon as we got inside, I turned to Anthony.

“Do you always use your looks to get what you want?” Anthony chuckled.

“Sometimes, all I need is my charm.” I hit him on the shoulders, hard. “Ow!” He rubbed the spot.

“Oh, suck it!” I told him, walking into a cubicle and drawing the curtain.

That night, Anthony had dragged me to a fancy Italian restaurant in the middle of the big city. It was the first time I ever actually celebrated my birthday, and by eight, our meal was finished.

“So, how was it?” Anthony asked, replacing his napkin on his lap. I swallowed my last spoonful of Carbonara.

“It’s good,” I said, wiping my mouth with my napkin. We were seated near the window, and we were able to see the snow falling, and people hugging, kissing, greeting, or simply walking by. The view was spectacular. Until, a certain couple went into view. My eyes widened, and Anthony noticed.

“What?” He looked outside the window, and found what I was looking for immediately. It was the perfect picture of a happy couple: enveloped in each other’s arms, and laughing whilst looking at each other. That wasn’t the problem though. I couldn’t care less. The problem was that they were coming towards us.

“Shit!” I said, lightly slapping my fist on the table. “I didn’t know they were gonna be here.” Anthony looked at me apologetically.

“I’m sorry. I thought so too. I thought she hates pasta. She says there’s too much carbs.” His frowned in confusion. Then he suddenly was normal again. Like nothing happened. “Act natural,” He told me. That simple oxymoron was said in the nick of time, because when I started talking useless junk to him, two shadows hovered over us.

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