3|| Closure

448 14 7

-3 months later-

Areum's POV:
It's my special number today.. I'll perform a song today... It's one of our projects in a specific subject... I need to sing 3 songs... I took a deep breath...

My first song is... "Breathe" by Lee Hi... And the second song is... "MY LOVE" by Lee Hi also and the last one is also by Lee Hi..."Passing By"...

i know all the songs are by lee hi... It's just that she's my idol singer lmao... -a/n

Everyone clapped and cheered for me... And the most unexpected was... Yeonjun hugged me... Well we're close enough for him to hug me..

I remembered when we even shared food for each other.. Even a single candy... We will just cut it in half... We were so sweet that our classmates sometimes tease us about being together..

Ah, BTW, speaking about Mark and Haechan... They got expelled last year because of sexual harassment... But, we already didn't care...

Today, Yeonjun treated me for dinner... He said that we should celebrate together...

-The next day-

Ahjin: "Hey, Areum... You like Yeonjun, don't you?"

Areum: "No... Why?" *denies*

Ahjin: "Yah, don't lie..."

Areum: "I'm not lying..." *lies*

Ahjin: "Ok..."

Areum: "But why are you-"

Ahjin: "Because I like him.. To be honest... I got jealous when he hugged you yesterday and had dinner with you... Don't you think he likes you?"

Areum: "No.. He confessed that he likes you.."

"Oops... Spilled the tea... Ok... They're in a mutual understanding..." I thought...

Ahjin: "Really? Then.. Can I date him? Please help me..."

Areum: "Why are you being too advanced... He also likes you... You don't have to-"

Ahjin: "But I really like him so much... What if his feelings would fade? Then I've got no chance..."

Areum: "Fine... Girl... I'll talk to him..."

Ahjin: "Jinjja?! Wah thanks!"

Areum: "No problem... Anything for my friend..."

I left... Turning my back hidden tears falling down... As I endured the pain...

Ahjin's POV:
Stop lying to me bitch... I know you like him... You think I'm still your bestfriend? I'm just acting to get close to Yeonjun...

Once me and Yeonjun be official... I'll end my friendship with you after the mean time... I just wanna prove that Yeonjun will be mine only... *smirks*

~End of Ahjin's POV~

Areum: "Yeonjun-ah!"

Yeonjun: "Areum-ah!"

Areum: "We have arts class today right... I forgot..."

Yeonjun: "Oh, right..."

-Arts class-

Teacher Son: "Ahjin and Soobin, Beomgyu and Miyeon, Hueningkai and Nami, Taehyun and Lami, and Yeonjun and Areum..."

Yeonjun/Areum: "Yass we're teammates..."

Yeonjun/Areum: "Jinx! Haha..." *laughs*

-After a few minutes-

Yeonjun: "Aish, why are you messing up your work like that?"

Areum: "Why? It's beautiful enough..."

Yeonjun: "Well, it should be a lot prettier... As pretty as you, Areum..."

Areum: *chuckles* "Why are you being cheesy?"

Yeonjun: "I thought you like cheese... It means you like me..."

Areum: "Yah, how are you sure... I told you... I like someone else.."

Yeonjun: "Still that guy, the one you told me that broke your heart before... The reason why you cried before? Still that guy? The... Jimin guy?"

Areum: *rolls eyes* "Let's not talk about that..."

Yeonjun: "Fine... BTW, wanna go to the café later?"

Areum: "Of course..."

Yeonjun: "You have my number right? I'll just text you..."

Areum: "Ok, I'll wait..."

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