13|| Unexpected Move...

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Mr. Choi: "I'm so proud of you my son..."

Mrs. Choi: "Aigoo... You're such a grown up... Right, Mr. Ji? Mrs. Ji?"

Mrs. Ji/Mr. Ji: "Correct..."

Ahjin: "Well, of course it happened because of you mom... And dad... And of course, Uncle and auntie.."

Ahjin's parents/Yeonjun's parents: "Of course..."

Mr. Choi: "Anyways, my son.. Why aren't you talking?"

Ahjin: "Oppa-"

Yeonjun: "I won't... Marry Ahjin..."

Ahjin: "Oppa, what are you saying?"

A/n POV:
Yeonjun went towards Areum.. Grabbed her wrist pulling her closer to him... Cupping her face, leaning in and kissing her...

Meanwhile, Areum... Wide-eyed, stunned, frozen... Surprised about what Yeonjun just did...

Before Yeonjun continue the kiss... She quickly broke the kiss... Staring at Yeonjun's serious face...

Yeonjun: "I'm quite sure, you know what I mean..."

He left, dragging Areum with him..


Areum: "Choi Yeonjun... Why did you-"

Yeonjun: "I'm really sorry... I just did it because-"

Areum: "Pervert..." *glares*

Yeonjun: "Areum-ah I'm really-"

Areum: "Ok fine! Aish... It was my first kiss tho.. Even tho I have a boyfriend already..."

Yeonjun: "First kiss? Didn't you have a boyfriend before..."

Areum: "I just said I have a boyfriend..."

Yeonjun: "Arraso mianhae.. Anyways, let's eat dinner..."

Areum: "Fine..."

-The next day-

Still A/n's POV:
At the company building... Yeonjun's parents came... Including Ahjin's parents... Every employee of CH Publishing saw what happened...

The parents of Yeonjun and Ahjin shoutinh at Areum, embarrassing her, cursing her, assaulting her... Thankfully Yeonjun came... Protecting her...

Yeonjun: "Stop this!"

Areum: "Sir Choi, I'm okay... You should stop... I deserve this..."

Yeonjun: "No you don't!"

Areum: "Please stop! I'm resigning anyways..."

Yeonjun: "What did you just say?!"

Yeonjun grabs Areum and brought her at the rooftop...

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