25|| Nothing's Gonna Stop Me

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Ahjin's POV:

How is she alive?? Kim Seok, that jerk fooled me..

*dialling Kim Seok*

Ahjin: "Kim Seok! You jerk how dare you lie to me.. Get rid of Areum now!"

Seok: "Give me Eunsoo first. In one hour give me back my son and I will get rid of her myself. Or else every secret you're keeping right now will all get revealed.."

Ahjin: "No. Get rid of Areum first. Then I promise to give Eunsoo back to you.."

Seok: "Thank you Ahjin.. I trust you.."

Ahjin: "Ok now--"

Seok: "You actually thought I would say that Ji Ahjin?"

Ahjin: "Kim Seok!"

Seok: "Are you done talking?"

Areum: "Let me talk to her first.."

Ahjin: "Areum?"

Areum: "Yes.."

Ahjin: "You're really brave Han Areum."

Areum: "I'm not Han Areum. I'm Ji Areum.. And you, are Seo Ahjin.. I know about it already.."

Ahjin: "You wench! I'm Ji Ahjin! You won't be able to take away what's mine.. Just get ready, Areum!"

Areum: "Fine. Go ahead and try to stop me.. You stopped me from being happy with Yeonjun at first but.. Now, everything's changed.. No one can stop me now.."

*ends call*

Ahjin: "Han Areum, f-- Aish!!!"

I can't let her do this to me..


Areum's POV:
1 week left.. Then things will be returned to their rightful places..

Short update...

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