5|| Stay Away

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-The next day-

Areum's POV:
I was walking around the school halls... A few hours and we will graduate.. I continued walking then saw Yeonjun... He walked towards me then hugged me...

Instead of hugging back... I broke the hug...

Yeonjun: "What's wrong?"

Areum: "Don't do this... You have a girlfriend..."

Yeonjun: "Girlfriend?"

Areum: "But still... Please stay away... We're hurting someone..."

Yeonjun: "What do you-"

Areum: "Yeonjun-ah, I'll get going... I'll practice for my special number later..."

I faced back but before I could walk... He grabbed my wrist and turned me around....

Yeonjun: "What's the problem?"

Areum: "Let go of me..."

Yeonjun: "Don't avoid my question-"

Areum: "I said, let go! Didn't I?!"

Yeonjun: "Coward..."

Areum: "What did you just say?"

Yeonjun: "I said coward... You can't even tell me your problem... Remember when Mark and Donghyuck used to harass you? You never told everyone your situation... And that's what makes you-"

Areum: "I'm a coward? Think whatever you want... Everytime you see me... Always think that you're with a coward... Don't consider me as a friend from now on.. If you're just gonna tell mean words infront of me.."

Yeonjun: "Don't take it too seriously... I was just j-"

Areum: "Trying to say you're joking?! Are you kidding me?! If it was a joke-"

???: "Hey guys... Are you fighting?"

We looked back...

Areum: I faked my smile... "Ahjin-ah..."

Yeonjun: *smiles widely* "Ahjin-ah..."

Ahjin: "Yeonjun-ah... Let's go to the cafeteria... My treat..."

Yeonjun: "Of course..."

Ahjin: "Areum-"

I quickly faced back then left... I went to the school garden... There, I cried silently... Then suddenly someone patted my back...


Taehyun: "Why are you crying?"

Areum: "You don't need to know..."

Taehyun: "Fine... But can I atleast help you by... *pauses* This?"

He made funny ugly faces that made me laugh so hard..

Taehyun: "Haha yeah I made you smile... Keep smiling Areum... You look prettier.."

Areum: "Everyone tells me that... Well, I don't care about my looks... All I care is.. For me to be happy..."

Taehyun: "That's the Areum that I knew... *smiles* BTW, I heard the teachers told you to sing 'Breathe' later at the graduation..."

Areum: "Ah right... I need to practice..."

Taehyun: "Ok... Good luck! You have a nice voice... I know you'll do a good job later!"

Areum: "Thanks!"

-Graduation service-

Here I am... Singing the song 'Breathe' by Lee Hi... It's such a sad song... As I was singing.. I remembered every moment I had with Yeonjun, unexpectedly...

Then we accidentally had eye contact... It made me tear up... But even though I was crying... I still sang as if nothing happened... I made sure my voice won't crack...

After I finished the song... My tears fell... Everyone was clapping... Before, he was the one who hugged me... Now, Taehyun ran up to me and hugged me tightly...

Taehyun: "I told you you'll do a good job..."

We broke the hug...

Areum: "Thanks a lot.."

-After the graduation service-

Taehyun and I went to the cafeteria.. Then suddenly...

Suhyun: "Areum-ah.. You did well awhile ago... I love your voice.." *smile*

Chanhyuk: "Good job... Congrats... Also you Taehyun..."

Taehyun: "Thanks hyung..."

Areum: "Thanks sunbae.."

Chanhyuk/Suhyun: "No problem.."

Chanhyuk: "Oh, Yeonjun-ah.."

Areum: "Sunbae, we will get going..." *leaves*

As soon as we walked away... We heard them talk...

~End of Areum's POV~

Chanhyuk: "Did something happen?"

Suhyun: "I know right? Aren't you close with Areum?"

Yeonjun: *sighs* "Sunbaenim... I'll get going..." *leaves*

Suhyun: "That's strange... As far as I know... They never separated in school except after school..."

Chanhyuk: "I know right.. Something's going on between them..."

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