14|| Things I Wanted To Say...

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Yeonjun: "Did you just say you're resigning?!"

Areum: "Why?! I know it's been a month only... But... I think it's better if... I'll quit... Thank you for treating me as a friend, for protecting me..."

Yeonjun: "Don't do this please? I still want you to help me-"

Areum: "Help you to pretend on having a relationship me?! Too late... Your parents and Ahjin's parents knew it already! Besides... I don't want to pretend also..."

Yeonjun: "Areum-"

Areum: "Sir Choi.. I'm sorry but.. You're foolish..."

Yeonjun: "Why? Because I kissed you? Well, I thought you forgave-"

Areum: "I did! But, I just realized that... We were both foolish people... My foolishness was getting along your measly plan... And your foolishness is by your actions.. Don't you think?!"

Yeonjun: "-"

Areum: "If you didn't want that marriage... Why didn't you just rejected it before you and Ahjin became a thing?! And if you wanted to cancel the wedding... You should've just told your parents and Ahjin's parents that you like someone else, not by kissing me infront of everyone!"

Yeonjun: "Areum-ah-"

Areum: "I've had enough..." *leaves*

Areum's POV:
As I left the rooftop.. I went straight to Yeonjun's office... I put my resignation letter on his desk... Then I noticed something... I looked at it...

Those were letters... For me?

I'm so sorry for calling you a coward... I didn't mean it... I didn't mean to hurt you... I don't know if we'll still meet in the future... But I hope so... And when we meet again, hope you forgive me...

Little did I know, I started tearing up...

I miss you... Today, Ahjin confessed to me about her feelings... She thought I really liked her... Well, I didn't know you told her... But to be honest, I just told you that I like Ahjin because I was still shy and I hid the fact that.. I really liked you... Maybe I should've told you my real feelings before...

How are you doing? I miss you... I want us to meet each other again... Anyways, I really wanted to tell you that someone in my office has the same name as you, she also resembles you... And it feels like I'm with you whenever I see her...

If it was you... How would I feel? I'd be happy of course.... Wanting to see you so much... I wanted to tell you... Do you know how I'm doing these days? Well, these years? I can't sleep comfortably... Thinking about how to apologize about what I said to you before...

Still miss you... Hope we meet again...


I stood there... Reading his letters.. As tears fell from my eyes.... I quickly put the letters back to where I got it...

I was about to leave then suddenly... Ahjin appeared...

Ahjin: "Oh, I see... *smirks* You're resigning... Thank you... Areum-ssi.."

Areum: "Be happy... Ahjin-ssi.."

Ahjin: "BTW, Han Areum... Aren't you Han Areum of Hanseong High School? You act like her... You look like her... You have the same name as-"

Areum: "Ji Ahjin-ssi... There are a lot of people who has the same name, attitude, and some looks right? And, speaking of high school.. I studied at Myungsung High... I'll get going..." *leaves*

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