24|| Facing Her Again

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-Ahjin's house-

Yeonjun: "You're awake? Someone actually texted you.."

Ahjin: "Who is it?"

Yeonjun: "I don't know. Go check it.."

Unknown number:
Let's meet up.. JI Company parking lot 10am..

Who are you?

Unknown number:
Kim Seok

-Parking Lot-

Ahjin: "Kim Seok?"

*removes cap*

Areum: "Long time no see, Ji Ahjin.."

Ahjin: "Areum? Aren't you already dead? Did you just pretend to be Kim Seok?"

Areum: "Well, somehow.."

Ahjin: "What do you want? Money?"

Areum: "Yeonjun.."

Ahjin: "Yeonjun and I has a child now.. He's a father already-"

Areum: *laughs* "Father? Are you making Yeonjun a joke?"

Ahjin: "Whatever.. I'll leave.."

Areum: "Your son's name is Choi-- Ah, Kim Eunsoo right?"

Ahjin: "How did you know that?"

Areum: "I'm smart enough to know Ji Ahjin.. I'm not as stupid as you.."

Ahjin: "I said how did you know?!"

Areum: "I can't tell you the details but you should give Eunsoo to his real father.."

Ahjin: "And who taught you to mind others' businesses?"

Areum: "You.."

Ahjin: "Crazy bitch.. Don't you dare take everything that is mine.."

Areum: "Yours? How come you have everything?"

Ahjin: "So? So what? What are you planning?"

Areum: "Just keep this in mind Ji Ahjin... Nothing that you own now is really yours... You stole those things from me.."

Ahjin: "It's not like you can take it back.. You won't ever take it away from me.."

Areum: "I will and I can.. The evidences of the arson 15 years ago.. The DNA of me and dad.. And, Eunsoo and Seok's DNA.. All of them are already prepared.. Just wait until the engagement party starts.. No wedding will happen Ji Ahjin.."

Ahjin: "Don't you dare--"

Areum: "Remember this Ji Ahjin.. I am only taking back what WAS MINE, what WILL BE MINE, and what is MINE TO BEGIN WITH.."

Ahjin: "Is that a threat?!"

Areum: "No.. It's just a warning.. A warning becomes a threat only when the person is scared, right?" *smirks*

*Areum leaves the scene*

Ahjin: "That crazy-- Ugh! Aish!"

Another UPDATE!!!

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