Part 32:

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Part 32:
What he didn't know is that I'M the massage girl. I got into his house and locked the door behind me. I entered to his bedroom and saw him lay on the bed with his face to the bed and his back to me. I smiled and said nothing.
"Hi," he said without looking up.
"Hey " I said changing my voice a little.
I took the oil and massaged his back. He was on his boxers only.
OMG! Am I massaging Logan Henderson right now?! It was unbelievable. I know I'm his girlfriend but it's still amazing!
I went all the way to the neck , shoulders and arms. Then to the legs and foots. I could tell he was enjoying it. But he felt uncomfortable I saw it.
"Now please turn around" I said with a Spanish accent.
He hesitantly turned around and was shocked , his jaw dropped.
"YN!! What?! How do you... Why didn't you.... What... When...?" He mumbled confused and smiled.
"I didn't tell you about my massage skills, but now you know" I smirked.
"You're so good! I enjoyed any minute but because I thought it's another girl I didn't feel so comfortable , OMG! You killed me!" He excitedly said, I could see the light in his eyes when he found out that it's me.
I giggled and he hugged me.
"Now back to the massage!!" I laughed.
I kept do it after 30 minutes I stopped cause I got tired.
He got up and said:"it was amazing ! You are so talented and you keep surprise me every day." He smirked. I blushed .
"c'mon, it's your turn, get on the bed I will massage you" he said.
"You sure you know how to do it?" I giggled.
"I'm sure I can try" he smiled.
I laid down and he started massage my back,
"is it good?!" he asked.
"its great" i managed to say.
After a while I got up.
"It was really great I didn't think you have that skill, but you probably very tired so you better go to sleep now" I said.
"Yeah.. " he sighed.
"Maybe you can stay the night?" He asked.
"I.... I don't have my clothes here and anything I need and tomorrow I have to go to work at 8 am... And ya know... I'd like to but.." I said.
"I can drive you home and you'll take your stuff, and besides you can use my clothes for sleeping" he said.
"I don't know..." I looked down.
"Please?!" He begged with his puppy face.
"Who can say no to that face?" I smiled.
"Yay" he hugged me.
"I don't want you to drive now so I'll use your clothes as you offered" I winked.
"Sure, take anything you want" he smiled and laid on the bed.
I went to his closet and picked a short and a T-shirt.
"Can you please unzipped the dress for me?" I asked him.
"Sure, come here " he said.
He unzipped it and I thanked him.
"Close your eyes I'm changing" I said.
"Ok" he smiled and covered his eyes with his hands.
"Not looking" he said.
I took of my dress and wore the shorts.
"Can I look now ?" He asked.
"No!!" I responded .
I wore the T-shirt and saw he was glancing between his fingers.
"Logan!!!" I yelled.
"What?! You're my girlfriend , I can see you changing, don't I?"
He asked.
"NO!!" I said and jumped on the bed next to him.
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.
"I'm so blessed to have you, I don't know what I'd do without you" he whispered into my ear.
I giggled and said:"I don't know either" and we laughed.
"Good night pretty boy" I whispered.
"Night, princess" and we fell asleep after a while.
We woke up in the morning and logan drove me to my work. We decided to celebrate with Alexa and the guys tonight at Logan's house.
We all were excited to see each other, and we laughed, talked, and we had a great time, all this time james was the same, not quite as he was at the hotel, he was laughing and joking and talking like everyone, I was glade he was like that.
One week had passed and logan and I were still dating, we went together to the movies, or restaurants or just came over sometimes, when I had a day off I used to go with him to the studio or to the set of BTR. I still didn't talk with james about what he told me and I'm not sure if I will.
But though it wasn't awkward between us, james and I are still good friends, we used to talk a lot and advice each other and forgot about what he had said .
In addition, I have been thinking about one thing a lot lately, about me being a rusher, and about logan who doesn't know it yet and about how scared I am if he will finds it out.
I know for sure that I don't want him to finds it out by someone else, I'm supposed to tell him the truth, but how can I ? It can ruin everything! I don't know why it came into my mind lately but it really bothered me. I decided that sooner or later he needs to no the truth, as James told me once:"if there's no honest, there's no relationship"
But I need to be carful, I don't wanna loose him, besides how worse can it be? I mean I'm just a Rusher , a fan, I can't help it, but I really know him, and really love him as logan my amazing boyfriend and not as Logan Henderson the popster celebrity from BTR.
I was trembling while I dialed his number and waited for him to pick it up.
"Hi Y/N! " his warming voice spook.
"Hey logie" I responded
"I'm at work now, we are working on a new single and I have only 5 minutes to talk sorry" he said.
"It's ok, that's enough time to ask you if you do something after the recording?" I asked.
"Actually not at all" he said.
"So you wanna come over? I guess I need to talk to you" I said hesitantly .
"Yeah sure, is everything ok?" He asked concerned.
"yeah, it's all right" I smiled.
"Ok then I'll finish here at 7 then I'll go to pick something up and I'll be at your place in 7:30?" He said.
"Sure, great! See ya" I said
"Bye baby doll love u" he said and hang up.
The first step had done; I told him we need to talk, but now I have to take it to the next step, how I'm going to tell him? I'm so confused right now and I really stuck with my life.

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