Part 39:

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Part 39:
I just realized he stood there for a few seconds, long enough to see his best friend and his ex girlfriend.... making out!!!!
I faced HIM, James was with the back to the door , I stared at HIM and James turned around to see what I see.
HE stood there freezing,
"L..Logan !!!" I managed to say his name after so long time.
James was shocked as I was and we both got up from the couch.
"I guess I was a bit late, it's too late now" Logan said and looked at me and then looked down to the floor where the ring he gave me was. He looked hurt.
"Bro, it's not what you think" James said.
"Logan...I..." I mumbled I didn't really know what to say.
"Save it!" He threw the flowers. To the floor and left, I could see a tear on his eye.
"Logan !" I yelled and ran to the door but he had already left.
I stood by the door, speechless and shocked, did he just leave me AGAIN?!
I heard James behind me whispering :"I'm sorry.. Y/N .. I'm sorry for kissing you and plus it was a bad timing , I'm really sorry!"
I turned around and faced him.
"Why should you be sorry? I kissed you back, didn't I ?! "
"Yeah.. But I think u still miss Logan and I just ruined our friendship with that kiss, I'm really sorry, please forget about it!" He said concerned.
I nodded and looked down.
"It's ok James, it's ok..." I smiled.
"I think I should be going" James said and came closer to me and kissed my forehead.
"Please stay!" I begged.
"You sure?" He asked.
"Yeah, please" I said.
"Then ok" he smiled.
We sat on the couch and watched a movie, it was a very romantic movie, when the characters kissed I leaned my head on James's shoulder and sighed.
"What?" He giggled.
"Nothing, I just wish it could be so easy like in the movies."
"Yeah. But it can be, don't worry everything will be alright, actually, if I talk from my head I'll tell you that you should call Logan or go over to him and talk with him and take his apologize and get back together..." He stopped.
"But?" I asked.
"But if I talk from my heart ..." He stopped again.
"Listen to your heart now!" I sand the line from BTR theme song and giggled. And he giggled too.
"So you want me to tell you what my heart says?!" He asked.
I nodded.
"My heart wants to be with you forever, my heart wants to protect you and to love you till no end, but it can't..." He looked down.
"James I ..." I started to say but he cut me off.
"I know you still like Logan, it's understandable"
"James I .. I... I can't forget that kiss" I managed to say.
"You what?" He asked surprised.
"James, I like you" I said and blushed.
"Really?! I ... I... I don't know what to say.." He mumbled nervously.
"So don't say anything" I smirked and crashed my lips into his. He was surprised but kissed me back.
I pulled away and blushed.
"I thought you were mad at me for kissing you earlier." He said confused.
"No! Why should I be mad at you? Logan made a mistake and he has to pay the price , he hurt me and he can't came like this and ask me to forgive him after this all days I've been waiting for him!!! HE wasn't here for me!! YOU were here with me!'" I said.
"And I will always be here for you as long as I'm alive" he smiled.
I hugged him so tight and he rubbed my back.
"Can I ask you something?" He said nervously after pulling back from the hug.
"Anything" I smiled.
"Y/N...can you give me the honer and be my girlfriend ?" James asked me with his perfect smile.
"James I... I didn't think about it that way , it's too fast and I just broke up with Logan .." I sighed.
"Ok I understand that, but what I didn't understand is why did you kiss me a second ago?" He asked.

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