Part 44:

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Part 44:
I have to see him, to see that he's ok, I'm still mad at him but though I need to see him.
The doctor led me to Logan's room and said:"you can visit him but don't stress him he needs to stay calmed, "
"ok" I said.
"good. You're his friend right?" he asked.
"oh it's complicated" I blushed.
"I'm sorry" he said.
"it's ok" I smiled and he left me alone next to the door. I slowly opened the door and I saw him laying on the hospital bed, looking miserable , not just because of his injuries , he was sad and broken inside ,like he was disappointed that he is alive.
"hey" I said as I opened the door widely.
He didn't say a thing.
I closed the door behind me and walked towards him.
"how do you feel?!" I asked softly but he didn't look my way.
"hey, Logan , you remember me?!" I asked concerned as I got closer to him.
"remember you?!" he asked finally looking into my eyes.
"yeah it's me" I smiled.
"sure, of course I remember you" he said.
"oh it's great!" I giggled.
"yeah, you are the one who I saw kissing another guy in your house and with that broke my heart" he said sadly looking away.
"Logan. You can't remember just the bad things, you must have remember our good moments" I said.
"oh yeah, I remember, you were the one who made me laugh and smile and gave me the reason to live, and when you were out of my life, my life had to be over cause there was no reason to my life anymore."
"stop it! It's not true! Why did you think so?! You could keep with your life perfectly without me" I said.
"I guess you didn't even know my feelings for you, I loved you more than I ever loved someone, more than myself and you know I'm selfish, you don't understand me cause your feelings were different, you were a fan. You will never love me as much as I loved you." he stopped and I felt the pain in his voice.
"you're wrong, its in the past and we leave it there ,please let's stop talk about it. How's your leg?!" I asked.
"idk, It's hurt but I can handle the pain. I deserved it, I deserved to die, why didn't I die?! WHY?! " he had a tear on his eye.
"oh Logan please stop it !! I don't know what I'd do without you, I read your letter and I worried sick about you, I was afraid something will happen to you, how could you do that?! You are important to so many people and to me. I need you." I said wiping away his tear.
"YOU DON'T NEED ME! You hate me and I can't blame you, I hate myself either. I'm the stupidest guy ever, how did I let you go?! What the hell I thought to myself?!"
"stop blaming yourself!" I said.
"I'm sorry y/n.. I'm really sorry for hurting you like that, please forgive me!" he begged, I couldn't say no cuz he was really miserable but it was also hard for me to forgive.
"Logan its ok, you'll feel better soon and we will talk about everything , now you need to rest" I smiled and stroked his cheek.
"you hate me , right?!" he asked.
"no, I don't hate you, stop being stupid" I giggled.
"so you don't mad at me?!" he asked.
"I mad at you but for now we will forget it" I said.
"ok so can I have a hug?" he asked.
"I guess so" I said and hugged him softly trying not to hurt his broken body.
And we pulled away.
"I love you y/n, and I swear to never let you go again" he smiled. I took a step back and faked a smile.
"I really gotta get going, I'll see you later, feel better" I said and
Kissed his forehead .
"thank you" he smiled.
I walked out of the room and looked for James. He was sleeping on the couch, I went towards him and set next to him.
Logan said he loves me, do I feel the same ?! Do I still like him?! Nah... I don't think so, I like James now, Logan lost his chance with me. I'm still hurt and disappointed. I don't hate him, I think, I just mad at him. I think we can be friends after all, it's just a matter of time. I know for sure that I don't want to be more than his friend. I SWAER!
I looked at James , he is so adorable when he's sleeping, I kissed his cheek and he woke up.
"hey babe" he said smiling.
"hey" I smiled.
"I got boring while waiting for you so I took a nap" he said.
"it's ok" I smiled.
"how did it go?!" he asked.
"well, pretty good, he remembers me and he said he's sorry and stuff but he is so miserable now and I'm worrying about him. I hope he will be ok".
"don't worry he will be fine. I'll go talk to him now" he smiled and got up.
I got up too.
"stay here and I'll be right back in a few minutes, I'll go to see him" he said.
"oh ok and please go easy on him" I smiled.
"I will" he waved me and walked away.

Logan's pov:
I don't want her to leave but I know she has to, she still mad at me and I know she hates me, she came to visit me just because someone told her to, cuz they all know she is the one that I need, now she is my pill, but I love her, I still love her and I won't give up on her, I made a mistake but I can fix it, if I'm not dead I will fight for her. I swear I'll do anything to win her back.
I won't give up as long as I'm alive. She left the door and closed it. I sighed. I missed her so
much. When she was next to me I didn't feel the pain of my injuries. After a few moments I heard a knock on the door. I hoped it is her but unfortunately it was the last thing I wanted to see.
"can I come in?" I saw James in the door.
"not really" I responded annoyed.
"please Logan we need to talk" he begged.
"Just... Just...come in..." I sighed.
He got inside and sat on the chair next to my bed.
"How are you?!" he asked.
"what do u want?!" I said.
"stop acting like that, I care about you, why do you hate me so much?!" he asked.
"WHY?!WHY?! You just stole my girl and you dare to ask me why I hate you?! How could you do that?! I thought you were my best friend!" I said.
"she wasn't your girl anymore, it's not like we cheated on you , cuz you broke up with her, you should have think about it before you hurting her like that. And besides, you knew my feelings for her so what did you think I'd do?! Ah?! Watching her crying because of you everyday and night?! I was there for her when you were not!!" he said.
"you don't know how I felt those days after the break up, you just waited till I do a mistake like that and you took this chance, but I swear I'll fight for her, she's mine.. I wont let her go again" I said.
"stop being ridiculous! She loves me now, it's too late for you." he said.
"shut up!!!" I yelled and slapped his face.
He touched his cheek and looked shocked.
"get out of here!!!!" I screamed.
"NOW!!!" I screamed louder. He said nothing and left the room.

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