Part 40:

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Here ya go.. Sorry for the late upload 😘

Part 40:
"Because I WANNA be your girlfriend stupid!!!!" I laughed and hugged him.
"OMG ! Are you kidding me!? U broke my heart for a second! No one ever say 'no' to me" he said between the hug.
"You're so naive " I giggled.
"Y/N.." He said and pulled back from the hug and put his hands on my shoulders. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment" he whispered.
I smiled and he kept talking:"since that day that you saved fox's lives I fell for you, and couldn't stop think about you, you made my dream come true. " he smirked and rubbed my cheek.
"James , thank you!" I said and hugged him again.
"I'll never forget this night!" He said.
"Me too" I smiled.
He took away the hair from my face and put it behind my ear.
"You're so beautiful!" He whispered.
"Thanks" I blushed and looked down. I have to admit that I have butterflies in my stomach every time he says things like that to me.
"You're finally mine" he said.
It sounded familiar - YOU'RE FINALLY MINE!!!
OMG ! It's the same exact words that the guy in my dream told me, it was James! James is the guy from my dreams who I jumped and laughed along the hills.
How can it be? I just saw the future?!
James took me back to the reality:
"Hi Y/N, are you ok?"
"Yeah sure!" I smiled and put my head on his chest, he wrapped his arm around me and we kept watch the movie , actually we didn't really pay attention cause we missed half of the movie but I was too tired so I just fell asleep on his chest.
"Y/N ! OMG ! Y/N !!!!! Wake up!!! Now!!!! Y/N !!?!?!? " I heard someone yelling.
"We need to go please get up!" He kept screaming , it was james.
"Ahhhh" I sleepily mumbled.
"C'mon! Get dress!" He said.
"What happened ?" I got up and sat on the bed.
"I'll explain you on the way we have no time now! We should hurry up" he said.
"Ok ok" I got up confused and went to the closet.
I slept in my bedroom, James was in my house screaming like crazy, what's going on here? What happened last night? Did he sleep here? With me? What did we do? Nothing!!! I don't remember !! I just remember that he asked me to be his girlfriend and the movie and I felt asleep in the living room. I don't understand what's going on. Why is he so stressed like crazy?!
"Hurry up Y/N !" He screamed behind my door while I was changing .
"I got it!!!" I yelled back at him.
I opened the door after finished to change and said:
"Can you tell me what's going on please!?!?"
"Just drink something and come to my car I promise I'll explain you !" He begged.
"I'm not moving till you tell me where are we going and why are you here?!" I yelled and stood with crossed arms, I was annoyed .
"To the hospital!" He finally said.
"What? Why?!" I asked confused.
"Logan.." He said.
"What happened to Logan ?" I asked concerned.
"Logan is in the hospital!!!!" He yelled.
"What?!" I was shocked.
"Now please hurry up and I'll tell you everything on our way" he said.
I immediately drank something and we got out to the car.
"Explain. Everything. Now!" I said as we sat down and James began to drive.
"Ok so last night we watched a movie and then you fell asleep in my arms so I picked you up to your bed and I slept on the couch in case you will need me. I woke up because I heard my phone, it was kendall, he told me that Logan had an accident last night and he is in the hospital . He told me to rush to the hospital , he was there all the night " he explained.
"OMG! I hope he's ok" I said sadly looking down to my hands.
"He will be fine I promise" he smiled.
"How can it happen? I'm afraid that this is bad" I had a tear rolling down my face.
"Don't worry, he will be ok" he said wiping away my tear.
I feel like James knows something that he doesn't tell me.
We got into the hospital and met kendall.
"Where is he?" I asked Kendall .
"We got here a few hours ago and They took him to a surgery room, I don't know much the doctor didn't say anything more" he said.
"I'm sorry Y/N , I know you broke up but I know you still like him or at least care about him" Kendall kept talking.
I just nodded and james came behind me and hug me.
"Its all my fault ! I wanna see him!" I said.
"Don't say it, its not your fault babe, and I don't think we can, we have to wait to the doctor" James said behind me.
"I know, but I'm worrying.." I said and put my head into James's chest.
"Shhhh... It's ok " he grabbed my back.
"We can sit here , the doctor should go out and tell us what's going on in a few minutes" kendall said, pointing at a bunch.
"Kendall, please tell me what you saw? I know you saw him! Please tell me!" I begged ignoring his suggestion.
"Y/N .. He will be ok, they will take care of him , they will treat him well don't worry!" He softly said.
"Don't 'don't worry' me!! You're lying!! I know it's worst and you're lying!!!" I cried.
"Y/N , calm down sweetheart he doesn't know much and Logan will be alright , don't blame kendall " James said holding my hand.
"Leave me alone you too!!" I yelled and pulled from his hand and ran away, I don't know where, but I just found a piece of floor behind a drinking machine and sat there, hugging my legs. And thought.
after half an hour I heard someone, "Hi" someone said from behind me.
I picked up my head and saw Kendal "hi" I said back.
"Can I sit here?!" He asked.
"Yeah" I answered. And he sat down next to me on the floor .
"I'm sorry for screaming on you earlier, I was upset and stressed" I said looking on my hands.
"It's ok, I understand you" he smiled.
"Thanks" I responded.
"I know it's not the right moment but .. Congratulation for you and James, I'm happy for you although it's a hard time" he smiled.
"He told you?!" I asked.
"Yeah.. And I knew it before.." He said.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"Ok, I'll tell you but please don't get upset... Ok?!" He asked.
"I'll try" I said confused.

Next Step - Logan henderson fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora