Chapter 17-where's Harry?

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made this a very short chapter. Sorry guys. But I did upload like 2 chapters today! Whoop! Lol upload a longish chapter tomorrow probably. Just wanted to make this a little suspenseful! Hehe okay love u all! Please please please comment your suggestions/compliments. An if u dont like my book, please say so i can change it up or whatever. Love u and enjoy this short chapter.-xoxo 


I awoke again but this time upon the couch. "Ugh! Dafauq?" I grunted as I tried to get up. My head was throbbing. "Hello?" I yelled into the house. I was hoping somebody was home. "GUYS! STOP PLAYING GAMES! HELLO?!" I yelled again. Suddenly I heard thumps and bangs coming from various rooms down In the corridor. "Ugh!" I grunted again as I slowly got off the couch. "ELI! Babe! Oh my god do you remember everything?" Louis said rummaging over to me, tripping various times. "Mummy! Daddy! There's a creep in the house help me!" I lied jokingly. Louis' face dropped. The suddenly another boy came out and sat in front of me. "Do you remember me?" he asked and I shook my head vigorously. I placed a confused look on my face.Then all of a sudden there were 4 boys sitting in front of me. I looked at al of them strangley.

"She doesn't remember me?" Liam cried as I saw a tear fall down his face. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "OMG you boys are dipsticks! Of course i still remember you! I was just playing you dipsticks! I want water! Give me some fucking water and painkillers! Ugh HURRY!" I yelled and each one of them got up except for Liam. "do you remember what happened?" I sighed "Well no duh! I'm not totally stupid! Argh! I want ice cream!" he rolled his eyes. "What happened then?" I grunted "I woke up in a bed that wast mine so then I walked into the kitchen cos I smelt cookies and you know that I love cookies right? Yeah well anyway I went into the kitchen and fell and I yelled something but no one was home and thats all I can remember." he nodded. "Wait where's Harry?" I asked liam as all the boys came back in with my painkillers, water and Ice cream which I gladly started to devour. They all turned and looked at Louis.



"and how did you not know what the fuck happened bro! Like didnt you hear her? Did you do it to her? Cos we all know you are mad at her for some crazy fucking reason!" I yelled at Harry as he say at the couch eyes still glued to the tv. I snatched the remote control and turned off the tv. "How could you not even hear her scream? Her falling to the ground? Her getting out of bed? Eli closing the bedroom door!? How could you?" I yelled at Harry as he stood up. Harry towered over me quite a bit. "I did fucking nothing. I didn't here her fall at all so just leave me the fuck alone!" he spat back and grabbed his coat and stormed out the door. 

----end of flashback---- 

"And you all are telling me that none of you went looking for him?" Eli snapped. We all shook our heads, kind of petrified at the anger growing in Eli's face. She popped the painkillers in her mouth and swallowed. "Sorry guys! Its my time of the months a lot of mood swings y'all should be expecting." Eli apologized. We laughed. "So wheres har-" she was cut off by her phone.


"Hey Em! What's up?" I asked into the phone. "Eli. She's dead! And they did it..."

Edited 09/01/2013

Life's Confusing- (ONE DIRECTION LOVE STORY- FANFIC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora