Chapter 22-I gotta tell you guys something

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hey guys I'm wrote this chapter sitting in the movie theatre waiting for the movie to start. So its VERY lame lol. I went to watch The house at the end of the street. You know that scary movie? Yeah well it was pretty good. I liked it. Okay well enjoy this chapter. -xoxo


"GET UP!!! GET UP!! We got to get to soundcheck in 10 minutes!" I heard Liam yell. I groaned and moved closer to Eli in the bed. "Morning baby." she whispered, kissing me softy on the nose. "Morning beautiful." I kissed her softly on her forehead. "Last night was...fantastic." I whispered. Eli smiled and nodded. "Definitely." she agreed.

Suddenly Niall ran into the room. "GET UP YOU-AHHHH YOU GUYS HAD SEX!" Niall yelled running out the room screaming. I laughed. "Eww he said the word." Eli cringed. I like how Eli can do it but she can't bare to say the word or hear people say it. It's quite amusing to be honest. "Well we have to leave in 10 minutes so lets get ready." Eli said. "I'll use my bathroom." she said picking up one of my shirts and putting it over her head. "We could always save water and-" she cut me off. "In your dreams!"

"Guys do I have to go. I just wanna chill with Dani!" I whined. "Yes you do have to go." Liam ordered. I groaned. "Why are you still mad at me Liam! Me an Harry are fine now!" I said. "Cos you just had sex with my best friend. You're dating my best friend. That's kinda a slut move. And you lied to me!" he yelled. That hurt. My own brother just called me a slut. "Okay Paul pull over now!" I said "Can't do that love. We need to get to soundcheck now." I raised my eyebrows. "I SAID PULL OVER NOW!" I shouted. Paul mumbled something under his breath but obeyed my rules. "Move." I said to Niall who was sitting to my right eating a bag of Doritos. "Youre not getting out. We have to go to soundcheck." Liam said. "Don't fucking talk to me Liam. Apparently I'm a slut. So move Niall." I said strictly. "Eli wait I didn't mean it like that-" "Save it Liam." I reached over Niall and jumped out the black SUV. I began to run. Not knowing where I was going. I called Dani. "Dani meet me at Starbucks now at 5th avenue?" I asked into the phone. "Oh I was just on my way there. See you in 5." she said an hung up.


"okay so your telling me. Twitter thinks your cheating on lou with josh then in the limo yesterday You kissed Harry then went on your date with lou, nobody knows you kissed Harry then you had sex with lou after the date, then Liam called you a slut?" I asked Eli after I had taken a sip of my frappachino. She nodded. "Oh my god Eli!" "I know right? And now I know I have feelings for Harry! And ugh. And I'm currently missing soundcheck do Liam's gonna be extra mad but I didn't do anything. He just got mad at me cos I didn't tell him about the Harry issue, with Harry coming in drunk when I was talking to Niall." I sighed. "Liam's just overprotective of you el." she groaned. "I can't Barr it anymore. It's to much go handle. Ugh! Dani what am I going to do?" she asked as she buried her face in her hands. "Be honest. With ALL of them. If you hide the truth they all will eventually find out and that could make the problems worse. I think you should just talk it over with all of them." I said honestly. She nodded. "Ugh lord help me!" she moaned and I laughed. "it'll all be okay. I'll come as well if you want. I'm staying on your with you guys. I'm on my holiday." she nodded. "Thanks dani." she said. "No problem. So how about after the concert we both tell them?" she nodded. "Better get to reahurusals. You coming?" she asked me. "Hell yeah!" and we both got up.


---Hours later----

"Together nothing can stop us now. If we just believe we can do this together. I'm not gonna be scared anymore. There's nowhere for me to fall if you're here to catch me. Cos together nothing can stop us." I sang the last verse to my new song. "THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING! I HOPE YOU ALL HAD AN AMAZAYN TIME TONIGHT!" I shouted and ran off stage. "We have to leave now. Fans are already blocking doors." Paul said pulling me towards the door. "Wait wheres dani and the boys?" I asked Paul as he ushered me out the door. "They're all waiting for you in the car. See you tomorrow Eli! This time don't miss reahurusals or soundcheck." I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry Paul, I won't." I promised and opened the door to the car. Everything was dead silent. Awkward... "sooo..." zayn said breaking the silence. That's when my cell phone went off. "Hello?" I answered. "Hi is this Elizabeth Payne?" said the voice on the other end. "Yes it is and who may this be?" I asked. "Oh I'm sorry. Hello mrs Payne. I am Layla Fate. I am from the model industry and I was looking for a model for Victoria Secret. And then I saw you in the magazine and I knew Immediately that you were the thing I was looking for. How would you like to me a model?" Layla asked. "Oh my god! Are you serious? I would absolutely love it!" she chuckled on the other end. To be honest I rather like modeling. I prefer it to singing. I love playing music and dancing but singing wasn't something I would wanna do forever. "okay love. When will you be back in London?" she asked. "Uh Saturday." I replied. "Okay how about we meet Sunday morning and you get to work Sunday afternoon." I smiled big. "Sounds amazing! Thank you ms.Fate. I will see you then!" I said. "Yes having a good night miss. Payne." she said and hung up. "AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed very high pitched. "What the fuck?!" Louis said both hands still on the steering wheel. "I'VE JUST BEEN OFFERED A MODELING JOB! AND GUESS WHO FOR?!" I screamed. "Who!?" dani asked. "Well my first modeling job is for VICTORIA SECRET! Guess I'm gonna be a real big slut aren't I liam." yes that might of not been the best thing to say. But I hold grudges.

----30 minutes later----

We all were sitting around in the hotel suite. "I need to tell you all something." I spoke up.

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